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[英]How to Hide URL Loading In Status Bar?


You used to be able to manually set the status of the window using... 您曾经能够使用...手动设置窗口的状态

window.status = "Hello World";

However, most browsers stopped you from doing this a while back as it was used as a technique to direct users to phishing websites (ie you'd hover over a link that was pointing to "www.fakebank.com" and they would update the window status to "www.realbank.com" to make you think it was a genuine link. 但是,大多数浏览器阻止了您执行此操作,因为它被用作一种将用户定向到网络钓鱼网站的技术(即,您将鼠标悬停在指向“ www.fakebank.com”的链接上,并且它们会更新窗口状态到“ www.realbank.com”,使您认为它是一个真实的链接。

So the short answer is, you won't be able to control what happens on the browser window, such as progress bar and URL being loaded as the browser won't allow it. 因此,简短的答案是,您将无法控制浏览器窗口上发生的事情,例如进度条和URL被加载,因为浏览器不允许这样做。

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