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IE8 Javascript错误

[英]IE8 Javascript Error

I have written a js method which runs perfectly on FF. 我写了一个在FF上完美运行的js方法。 This js method is called on the click of a radio button. 单击单选按钮将调用此js方法。

In IE, when I click the radio button, the js method is called only when I click somewhere on the form. 在IE中,当我单击单选按钮时,仅当我单击表单上的某个位置时才调用js方法。 I have no idea about this strange behavious in IE. 我不知道IE中这种奇怪的行为。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Thx 谢谢

Here is my code. 这是我的代码。



<h:selectOneRadio  id="pid" value="#{Bean.pid}" onchange="javascript:checkPid();">    
<f:selectItem itemLabel="label1" itemValue="value1"/> 
<f:selectItem itemLabel="label2" itemValue="value2" /> 
<f:selectItem itemLabel="label3" itemValue="value3" /> 


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function checkPid() {
   //some basic js here
   //even if I just give an one-liner alert stmt here, In IE it 
   //shows up only when I click somewhere on the form after I click 
   //on the radio button

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Try the onclick event rather than the onchange event. 尝试onclick事件而不是onchange事件。

You'll need to modify your code though: 不过,您需要修改代码:

<h:selectOneRadio  id="pid" value="#{Bean.pid}" onclick="checkPid(this);">    

And your javascript function: 和你的JavaScript函数:

function checkPid(e) {
   //do stuff with e.value

You should be able to validate what the user clicked on by e.value. 您应该能够通过e.value验证用户点击的内容。 This should work for both browsers. 这对两种浏览器均适用。

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