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[英]Generic in type constraint

I'm struggling with some generics. 我正在努力研究一些仿制药。 The following is my setup: 以下是我的设置:

interface I<T> { }

void Add<T>(T obj) where T : I<??> { }

How can I ensure that T in the Add method implements I ? 如何确保Add方法中的T实现I

The following signature will allow Add to take any T that implements I<> with any type parameters. 以下签名将允许Add使用任何类型参数获取任何实现I<> T

void Add<T,S>(T obj) where T : I<S> {

The downside of using this method signature is that type inference doesn't kick in and you have to specify all the type parameters, which looks downright silly: 使用此方法签名的缺点是类型推断没有启动,您必须指定所有类型参数,这看起来非常愚蠢:

blah.Add<I<int>, int>(iInstance);

A much simpler approach is to use the below signature: 一种更简单的方法是使用以下签名:

void Add<T>(I<T> obj) {


void Add<TI, TAny>(TI obj) where TI : I<TAny>

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