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[英]How can I fake HttpContext for unit tests?

I need to fake HttpContext.Current.Application table in order to access it from my unit tests. 我需要伪造HttpContext.Current.Application表,以便从我的单元测试中访问它。

I need to store my data somewhere. 我需要将我的数据存储在某个地方。 I thought that I can just pass instance of NameValueCollectionBase but as I discovered this base type has no indexer so it seems too complicated to use. 我认为我可以只传递NameValueCollectionBase实例但是因为我发现这个基类型没有索引器所以它看起来太复杂了。

So what about faking this part of HttpContext ? 那么伪装这部分HttpContext怎么样? Is it possible? 可能吗? How can I make it? 我该怎么做? Will be NUnit.Mocks helpful? 会对NUnit.Mocks有帮助吗?

Thank you in advance... 先感谢您...

If you need indexes for namevaluecollection base please use below code 如果您需要namevaluecollection base的索引,请使用以下代码

public static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ToPairs(this NameValueCollection collection)
    if(collection == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("collection");

    return collection.Cast<string>().Select(key => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(key, collection[key]));

For just to store data and passing around test methods please use above code. 如需存储数据和传递测试方法,请使用上面的代码。

In this scenario I generate some stubs derived from the base classes in System.Web.Abstractions. 在这种情况下,我生成一些从System.Web.Abstractions中的基类派生的存根。 I often use this technique for MVC applications as MVC / WebApi controllers contain an abstraction to HttpContext (HttpContextBase) 我经常将此技术用于MVC应用程序,因为MVC / WebApi控制器包含对HttpContext(HttpContextBase)的抽象

This way I can stub out HttpContext requirements in my unit / integration tests, here's a sample... 这样我可以在我的单元/集成测试中存根HttpContext要求,这是一个示例......

public class MockHttpApplicationState : HttpApplicationStateBase
    private IDictionary<string, object> _appState = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    public override void Add(string name, object value)
        _appState.Add(name, value);

    public override object Get(string name)
        return _appState[name];

    public override object this[string name]
            return _appState[name];

            _appState[name] = value;

public class MockHttpContext : HttpContextBase
    private IDictionary<string, object> _appKeys;

    public MockHttpContext()


    /// <summary>
    /// Accepts a dictionary of app keys to supply to the HttpApplicationState instance
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="applicationState"></param>
    public MockHttpContext(IDictionary<string,object> applicationState)
        _appKeys = applicationState;

    public override Cache Cache
            return HttpRuntime.Cache;

    public override HttpApplicationStateBase Application
            var mockAppState = new MockHttpApplicationState();

            foreach (string key in _appKeys.Keys)
                mockAppState.Add(key, _appKeys[key]);

            return mockAppState;

    public override HttpRequestBase Request
            return new HttpRequestWrapper(new HttpRequest(null,"http://localhost",null));

Then my test can establish Controller and Http Context: 然后我的测试可以建立Controller和Http Context:

private readonly OnlineShop.MVC.Controllers.HomeController _controller = 
        new MVC.Controllers.HomeController(null,new UnitOfWork());

    public void Init()
        var appKeys = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        appKeys.Add("localhost", 1);

        var httpContext = new MockHttpContext(appKeys);

        _controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext()
            Controller = _controller,
            RequestContext = new RequestContext(httpContext, new RouteData())    

    public void Index_Returns_HomeView()
        var view = _controller.Index() as ViewResult;
        var viewModel = view.Model as MVC.ViewModels.Home;

        Assert.IsTrue(viewModel.FeaturedProducts.Count > 0);

And my controller is aware of it's ambient HttpContextBase instance supplying Cache and Application state: 我的控制器知道它提供缓存和应用程序状态的环境HttpContextBase实例:

  public ActionResult Index()
        string cacheKey = string.Format("FeaturedProducts-{0}",WebsiteId);
        IList<Product> productList = this.HttpContext.Cache[cacheKey] as IList<Product>;

        //My app keeps a list of website contexts in the Application. This test returns 1 based on the unit / int tests or a real world db value when hosted on IIS etc..
        int websiteId = (int)HttpContext.Application[this.Request.Url.Host];

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