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[英]Bottle and Json

How do I go about returning json data from a bottle request handler. 如何从瓶子请求处理程序返回json数据。 I see a dict2json method in the bottle src but I am not sure how to use it. 我在瓶子src中看到了一个dict2json方法,但我不知道如何使用它。

What is in the documentation: 文档中包含的内容:

def spam():
    return {'status':'online', 'servertime':time.time()}

Gives me this when I bring up the page: 当我打开页面时给我这个:


Simply return a dict. 只需返回一个字典。 Bottle handles the conversion to JSON for you. Bottle为您处理转换为JSON。

Even dictionaries are allowed. 甚至允许使用词典。 They are converted to json and returned with Content-Type header set to application/json. 它们被转换为json并返回Content-Type标头设置为application / json。 To disable this feature (and pass dicts to your middleware) you can set bottle.default_app().autojson to False. 要禁用此功能(并将dicts传递给中间件),您可以将bottle.default_app()。autojson设置为False。

def api_status():
    return {'status':'online', 'servertime':time.time()}

Taken from the documentation. 取自文档。

http://bottlepy.org/docs/stable/api.html#the-bottle-class http://bottlepy.org/docs/stable/api.html#the-bottle-class

For some reason, bottle's auto-json feature doesn't work for me. 出于某种原因,瓶子的auto-json功能对我不起作用。 If it doesn't work for you either, you can use this decorator: 如果它也不适合你,你可以使用这个装饰:

def json_result(f):
    def g(*a, **k):
        return json.dumps(f(*a, **k))
    return g

Also handy: 也方便:

def mime(mime_type):
    def decorator(f):
        def g(*a, **k):
            response.content_type = mime_type
            return f(*a, **k)
        return g
    return decorator

return {'status':'online', 'servertime':time.time()} works perfectly well for me. return {'status':'online', 'servertime':time.time()}非常适合我。 Have you imported time ? 你有进口time吗?

This works: 这有效:

import time
from bottle import route, run

def index():
    return {'status':'online', 'servertime':time.time()}

run(host='localhost', port=8080)

try this should works as intended 试试这应该按预期工作

from bson.json_util import dumps
from bottle import route, run
import time

def index():
     return {'status':'online', 'servertime':dumps(time.time()) }

run(host='localhost', port=8080)

it is easy to get json using bottle's request module 使用瓶子的请求模块很容易得到json

from bottle import request

json_data = request.json # json_data is in the dictionary format

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