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[英]Ignore symbolic links in .gitignore

Is it possible to tell Git to ignore symlinks ? 有可能告诉Git忽略符号链接吗? I'm working with a mixed Linux / Windows environment and, as you know, symlinks are handled very differently between the two. 我正在使用混合的Linux / Windows环境,如你所知,符号链接在两者之间的处理方式截然不同。

No, it is not possible to do this globally. 不,全球无法做到这一点。 However, if you have lots of symlinks here is a bash script that you can use to easily add them to your repo's .gitignore file: 但是,如果你有很多符号链接,这里有一个bash脚本,你可以用它来轻松地将它们添加到你的repo的.gitignore文件中:

for f in $(git status --porcelain | grep '^??' | sed 's/^?? //'); do
    test -L "$f" && echo $f >> .gitignore; # add symlinks
    test -d "$f" && echo $f\* >> .gitignore; # add new directories as well

Use git version >= 1.6 使用git version> = 1.6

Git used to treat sym-links the same as regular files, but newer git versions (>= 1.6) check if a file is beyond a symbolic link and will throw a fatal error. Git用于处理sym-links与常规文件相同,但较新的git版本(> = 1.6)检查文件是否超出符号链接并将引发致命错误。

eg: 例如:

# git init 
# mkdir newdir 
# touch newdir/foo 
# git add newdir/foo 
# git commit -m 'add foo' 
# mv newdir /tmp/ 
# ln -s /tmp/newdir 
# touch newdir/bar 
# git add newdir/bar 
fatal: 'newdir/bar' is beyond a symbolic link

# git add/tmp/newdir
fatal: '/tmp/newdir' is outside repository

# git --version
git version

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