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[英]Web App that uses Webcam…any Rails plugins/gems?

I;ma developer looking to make an app similar to chat roulette. 我; ma开发人员希望制作类似于聊天轮盘的应用。 I'm pretty comfortable with Ruby on Rails as my platform and would like to program it in that. 我很熟悉Ruby on Rails作为我的平台,并希望对其进行编程。

The downside is I have no idea about how to do anything using webcams. 缺点是我不知道如何使用网络摄像头做任何事情。

Is there a plugin or gem for rails that integrates webcams easily? 是否有轻松集成网络摄像头的导轨插件或宝石?

Some quick browsing brought me to abobes site...but I haven't used it before, and though I dont mind learning new things, I'd like to get this out quickly so I'd rather stick to what I know. 一些快速浏览把我带到了abobes网站......但我之前没有使用它,虽然我不介意学习新东西,但我想快速解决这个问题,所以我宁愿坚持我所知道的。

What you do you use for webcams? 你用什么做网络摄像头?

You would have to use a third-party plug-in to interface the webcam with the site. 您必须使用第三方插件将网络摄像头与站点连接。 Rails takes care of things on the back-end (finding and connecting users) but you would need to use Flash or something similar to connect the web page with the camera. Rails负责后端的事情(查找和连接用户)但你需要使用Flash或类似的东西来连接网页和相机。

This question is pretty old, but we've been able to use headshot gem in one of our apps. 这个问题很老了,但我们已经能够在我们的一个应用程序中使用headshot gem。

https://github.com/diwadm/headshot https://github.com/diwadm/headshot

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