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[英]How many iphone devices we an connect via bluetooth or wifi?

最大值我们一次通过蓝牙或wifi连接多少个iPhone设备?........我需要连接10个...这是可能的....... ??

The Bluetooth standard (802.15.1) only allows 7 devices to be connected to a master at once. 蓝牙标准(802.15.1)仅允许一次将7个设备连接到一个主设备。 If too many are actively communicating, however, the bus can be exceedingly slow. 但是,如果有太多人在积极通信,则总线可能会非常慢。

I'm not sure of the WiFi (802.11b/g) standard, some WAPs say "up to 255" which may be possible, but hilarious to try. 我不确定WiFi(802.11b / g)标准,有些WAP会说“最大可达255”,但尝试却很有趣。 Regardless, 10 is well within WiFi's capabilities. 不管怎样,WiFi的能力范围之内都是10。

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