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[英]GridView and Linq Query sorting

I'm using a Linq Query to populate a GridView . 我正在使用Linq查询来填充GridView

Then I set it to the Datasource . 然后,将其设置为Datasource

In the sorting event, I'd like to retrieve the the anonymous type that the query generates and find the members name. 在排序事件中,我想检索查询生成的匿名类型并找到成员名称。

Is it possible to do so ? 有可能这样做吗?

Here's an exemple of the query 这是查询的一个例子

var q = from inboundCall in dc.GetTable<InboundCall>()
join employee in dc.GetTable<Employee>() on inboundCall.EmployeeID equals employee.ID
join code in dc.GetTable<Code>() on inboundCall.CodeID equals code.ID
join site in dc.GetTable<Site>() on inboundCall.SiteID equals site.ID
where inboundCall.IsSuccess == true
                    select new
                                   EmployeeNumber = employee.Number,
                                   EmployeeName = employee.Name,
                                   CallerID = inboundCall.CallerID,
                                   SiteName = site.Name,
                                   CallDate = inboundCall.CallDate,
                                   CodeName = code.Name

And then 接着

gridData.DataSource = q;

What can I do in the sorting event to retieve the Anonymous type and do something like that 在排序事件中我可以做些什么来恢复匿名类型并做类似的事情

employeeList.Sort((x, y) => ((Int32)x.GetType().GetProperty(e.SortExpression).GetValue(x, null)).CompareTo((Int32)y.GetType().GetProperty(e.SortExpression).GetValue(y, null)) * sortValue);

You could do this with reflection, or you could use the dynamic LINQ library to add the OrderBy clause. 您可以通过反射来执行此操作,也可以使用动态LINQ库添加OrderBy子句。

Or, a better option may be to create an actual class / struct that represents the data you will be retrieving. 或者,更好的选择可能是创建一个实际的类/结构,以表示您将要检索的数据。

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