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[英]Canonical way to include an applet

What is the canonical way to include the Applet? 包含Applet的规范方法是什么?

I have tried, 我试过了,

Switch on Browsers in JS. 在JS中打开浏览器。

http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/plugin/developer_guide/using_tags.html#javascript http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/plugin/developer_guide/using_tags.html#javascript

This breaks in Safari 5.0.1 on Leopard. 这在Leopard的Safari 5.0.1中中断。 (It worked on Safari on Snow leopard.) (它在雪豹的Safari上运行。)

Since we are not supporting old brosers, I assumed I could just use <object> tag, but apparently FF wont respect that. 由于我们不支持旧的Brosers,所以我假设我可以只使用<object>标记,但是显然FF不会这么做。

What is the canonical way to do this? 规范的做法是什么?

The applet tag seems like a reasonable compromise, but I've migrated almost entirely to Java Web Start . applet标记似乎是一个合理的折衷方案,但我几乎已完全迁移到Java Web Start

Addendum: A passerby notes, 附录:路人笔记,

JWS is a technology for launching desktop apps. JWS是用于启动桌面应用程序的技术。

From the Java SE 6u10 release notes: "The next-generation Java Plug-In technology…provides support for launching applets directly from JNLP files." 从Java SE 6u10发行说明中可以得出:“下一代Java插件技术……提供了直接从JNLP文件启动applet的支持。”

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