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Drupal 5和node?destination = node

[英]Drupal 5 and node?destination=node

I've had a drupal 5 site for over 2 years. 我有一个drupal 5网站超过2年。 For some reason my browser dropdown URL retains www.xxx.co.uk/node?destination=node for the site url. 出于某种原因,我的浏览器下拉URL保留了网站URL的www.xxx.co.uk/node?destination=node This has work until now - when I get 到现在为止都可以使用-当我得到

The page isn't redirecting properly 页面未正确重定向

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. Firefox已检测到服务器正在以永远无法完成的方式重定向对该地址的请求。

*   This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept

typing in the bare url www.xxx.co.uk gives the same results. 键入www.xxx.co.uk网址www.xxx.co.uk会得到相同的结果。 I'd just modified the site to add another picture gallery. 我刚刚修改了网站以添加另一个图片库。 I can access the site by typing in www.xxx.co.uk/node/1 but if I logout I'm back to the above problem, I assume for the same destination=node problem. 我可以通过输入www.xxx.co.uk/node/1来访问该站点,但是如果我注销,则回到上面的问题,我认为是相同的destination=node问题。

Didn't change any modules that I recall. 我没有更改任何模块。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

OK, I can answer this myself after a bit of investigation. 好的,经过一些调查,我可以自己回答。 I used import images to load my pics. 我使用导入图像加载照片。 What I failed to notice was that the nodes created by the import were all set to promoted to front page. 我没有注意到的是,导入创建的节点都已设置为升级到首页。 Remove this from all the image nodes and everything is back to normal. 从所有图像节点中删除它,一切恢复正常。 No idea why my browser dropdown retains the url as above. 不知道为什么我的浏览器下拉菜单会保留上述网址。

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