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如何创建 API

[英]How to create API

I'm finding a lot of tutorials on how to implement APIs but how does one actually create one?我找到了很多关于如何实现 API 的教程,但实际上如何创建一个? For example, I want to query movie quotes from my DB and also insert new ones via an API.例如,我想从我的数据库中查询电影报价并通过 API 插入新的报价。 I know PHP and MySQL but what am I missing to make an API?我知道 PHP 和 MySQL,但是我缺少什么来制作 API? I read about the REST method and it seems easy but I can't find a step-by-step guide.我阅读了 REST 方法,看起来很简单,但找不到分步指南。

Can someone please share an example or some steps to creating a simple API?有人可以分享一个示例或一些创建简单 API 的步骤吗?

You may be interested in:您可能对以下内容感兴趣:

Worth doing Sarfraz's article to understand design and then the mechanics/plumbing.值得做 Sarfraz 的文章来了解设计,然后是机械/管道。 Once you understand what your API looks like, definitely go back an evaluate REST frameworks available for PHP or whatever language you're working with.一旦您了解了您的 API 是什么样子,一定要回去评估可用于 PHP或您正在使用的任何语言的REST 框架 Friends don't let friends right their own rest plumbing in 2010. 2010 年,朋友们不要让朋友们纠正自己的休息管道。

Beyond just making it send and receive xml/json/etc., the idea of what makes a good API is something many have considered-- worth reading up on imo.除了让它发送和接收 xml/json/ 等,很多人都考虑过什么是好的 API 的想法—— 值得在imo 上阅读 People who are smarter than me have said that great APIs that are designed with the way developers user them in mind, first and foremost... from there they work backwards into a black box their consumers shouldn't have to care about.比我更聪明的人说过,伟大的 API 设计时考虑到了开发人员使用它们的方式,首先……从​​那里他们向后工作到他们的消费者不必关心的黑匣子中。

If you are not restricted to implementing the API in PHP, here is a quick setup guide - for NodeJS based REST APIs.如果您不限于在 PHP 中实现 API,这里有一个快速设置指南- 适用于基于 NodeJS 的 REST API。 This talks about implementing a simple ping API in NodeJS, building and releasing it to production.这讨论了在 NodeJS 中实现一个简单的 ping API,构建并发布到生产环境。


  • AWS Account: Sign up on AWS. AWS 账户:在 AWS 上注册。 You will get a Free Tier of 12 months – which means you get first million requests to your API every month for free.您将获得 12 个月的免费套餐——这意味着您每个月都会免费获得前一百万个 API 请求。
  • IAM User on AWS: Once signed up, go to IAM on AWS Console create a new IAM user for yourself. AWS 上的 IAM 用户:注册后,转到 AWS 控制台上的 IAM,为自己创建一个新的 IAM 用户。 Go to the Security Credentials of the new user, create an Access Key and Secret Key for this user and download it, keep it somewhere safe.转到新用户的安全凭证,为该用户创建访问密钥和秘密密钥并下载它,将其保存在安全的地方。
  • Install AWS CLI.安装 AWS CLI。
  • Install AWS SAM.安装 AWS SAM。 Detailed instructions here.详细说明在这里。

Setup your codebase设置您的代码库

Set some local environment variables to use later设置一些本地环境变量以备后用

export AWS_REST_SERVICE_NAME=MyRestService
export AWS_REST_SERVICE_S3_BUCKET_NAME=MyRestService # This has to be unique globally

Clone my sample repository.克隆我的示例存储库。 This has a simple ping GET Api written in NodeJS 8.1这有一个用 NodeJS 8.1 编写的简单 ping GET Api

git clone https://github.com/sarthakj178/AWSRestServiceTemplate.git $AWS_REST_SERVICE_NAME
npm install

That's it.就是这样。 Your REST Service is setup locally.您的 REST 服务是在本地设置的。 Test it out.测试一下。

sam local start-api # This will start your service locally on port 3000
curl -X GET "http://localhost:3000/ping" # On a different tab. Should return {"success":true,"message":"Hello world"}

Release to production发布到生产

sam package --template-file template.yaml   --s3-bucket $AWS_REST_SERVICE_S3_BUCKET_NAME --output-template-file packaged.yaml
sam deploy --template-file ./packaged.yaml --stack-name $AWS_REST_SERVICE_NAME --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Verify your service in production在生产中验证您的服务

  • Go to AWS Console -> API Gateway -> YOUR_REST_SERVICE_NAME -> Stages -> Prod -> ping -> GET转到 AWS 控制台 -> API 网关 -> YOUR_REST_SERVICE_NAME -> Stages -> Prod -> ping -> GET

  • You will see a URL similar to https://xxxx.execute-api.rr-rrrrr-r.amazonaws.com/Prod/ping .您将看到类似于https://xxxx.execute-api.rr-rrrrr-r.amazonaws.com/Prod/ping的 URL。

  • This is your REST Service in production.这是您在生产中的 REST 服务。 Hit it, you'll see a response same as what you saw on your local desktop.点击它,您将看到与您在本地桌面上看到的相同的响应。

您可以在此处创建示例 api sample api

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