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[英]Wordpress Issue: Sidebar is allowing for link to expand into the footer

I am not sure how to phrase this as it is boggling my mind. 我不知道该如何措辞,因为这令人困惑。 I have a sidebar widget that is setup to show some 我有一个侧边栏小部件,设置为显示一些

  • images and a link. 图片和链接。 It has a div and it is closed within the actual widget. 它有一个div,并且在实际的小部件中关闭。

    Below I am pasting the actual code I can see when I inspect the element via Chrome. 在下面粘贴我通过Chrome检查元素时可以看到的实际代码。

     </a><li><a href="/socialmedia/"><img src="/wp-content/themes/newscast/images/skin1/socialside.jpg" style="visibility: visible; opacity: 1; "></a></li><a href="/socialmedia/"> </a></ul><a href="/socialmedia/"> </a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"></a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"> </a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"></a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"> </a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"></a></div> 

    The first line of code is below and that is in the widget 第一行代码在下面,并且在小部件中

     <li><a href="/socialmedia/"><img src="/wp-content/themes/newscast/images/skin1/socialside.jpg" style="visibility: visible; opacity: 1; "></a></li><a href="/socialmedia/"> </a></ul></div> 

    The code below is being added somehow and I am completely inept of figuring out why haha 下面的代码以某种方式添加,我完全不知道为什么哈哈

     <a href="/socialmedia/"> </a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"></a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"> </a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"></a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"> </a></div><a href="/socialmedia/"></a></div> 

    Have a look at the Sidebar on the right and then hover over the footer below. 查看右侧的补充工具栏,然后将鼠标悬停在下面的页脚上方。 The entire footer is getting the link somehow. 整个页脚以某种方式获得了链接。

    Now what makes this harder, for me, to figure out is if I remove the widget that is calling this sidebar it works fine. 现在,对我而言,这变得更难弄清楚的是,如果我删除了调用此边栏的小部件,它将正常工作。 The 1st widget, the links, works fine and does not give out any links to anywhere else 第一个小部件(链接)可以正常工作,并且不会向其他任何地方提供任何链接

    Any help would be great. 任何帮助都会很棒。

  • More than likely you are not closing your <a> tags in the text widget, so the browser is trying to close them for you by guessing. 您很有可能没有在文本小部件中关闭<a>标记,因此浏览器试图通过猜测为您关闭它们。

    Check the text widget and make sure you have a </a> for every <a> tag. 检查文本小部件,并确保每个<a>标签都有一个</a>

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