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php symfony异常处理/错误处理

[英]php symfony exception handling/error handling

Working on a symfony application that uses nusoap (is this the best method for integrating soap work with php/symfony?) for taking credit card payments. 使用一个使用nusoap的symfony应用程序(这是将soap工作与php / symfony集成的最佳方法吗?)来进行信用卡付款。

I've simplified an example of my code below. 我在下面简化了我的代码示例。

What I'm struggling with is the best way to handle exceptions. 我正在努力解决的是处理异常的最佳方法。 The example below only has 1 custom exception (where should my custom exceptions reside within the directory structure of symfony? (lib/exception?)) But what happens when there are several different types of exceptions that handle a specific error? 下面的例子只有1个自定义异常(我的自定义异常应该放在symfony的目录结构中吗?(lib / exception?))但是当有几种不同类型的异常处理特定错误时会发生什么? It's not very elegant to have a try/catch block with 20 odd exceptions. 拥有20个奇数异常的try / catch块并不是很优雅。

I'm also not sure of where I should be throwing and catching. 我也不确定我应该在哪里投掷和捕捉。 I need to set some user flashes to alert the user of any problems, so I figure the catching should be done in the actions controller rather than within the class that handles the soap call. 我需要设置一些用户闪存来提醒用户任何问题,所以我认为捕获应该在操作控制器中完成,而不是在处理soap调用的类中。

Could anyone please advise where I might be going wrong? 谁能告诉我哪里可能出错?

I hate messy code/solutions and want to stick to the DRY principle as much as possible. 我讨厌凌乱的代码/解决方案,并希望尽可能坚持DRY原则。 I think I might also be missing some built in symfony functionality that might help with this but whenever I search I usually find examples that are for symfony 1.2, I'm using 1.4. 我想我可能也会遗漏一些内置的symfony功能,可能对此有所帮助,但每当我搜索时,我通常都会找到适用于symfony 1.2的示例,我使用的是1.4。

Some examples would be great, thanks. 一些例子会很棒,谢谢。

lib/soap_payment.class.php LIB / soap_payment.class.php

class SoapPayment
  public function charge()
    /*assume options are setup correctly for sake of example*/
    catch (SoapPaymentClientFaultException $e)
      /* should this be caught here? */

  private function call()

    if ($this->client->hasFault())
      throw new SoapPaymentClientFaultException();

apps/frontend/payment/actions/actions.class.php 应用程序/前端/支付/动作/的actions.class.php

class paymentActions extends sfActions
   public function executeCreate(sfWebRequest $request)
     /* check form is valid etc */

     $soap_payment = new SoapPayment();

     catch (SoapPaymentClientFaultException $e)
       /* or throw/catch here? */
       $this->getUser()->setFlash('error', ...);


     /* save form regardless, will set a flag to check if successful or not in try/catch block */

One not very well known feature of Symfony is that exceptions can manage the content sent in a response. Symfony的一个不为人知的特性是异常可以管理响应中发送的内容。 So you could do something like this: 所以你可以这样做:

class SoapException extends sfException
  public function printStackTrace() //called by sfFrontWebController when an sfException is thrown
    $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse();
    if (null === $response)
      $response = new sfWebResponse(sfContext::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher());

    $response->setContent('oh noes'); //probably you want a whole template here that prints the message that was a part of the SoapException

If you need a cleaner handling of SOAP exceptions, like setting flashes, etc. you'll probably have to catch each exception. 如果您需要更清晰地处理SOAP异常,例如设置闪烁等,您可能必须捕获每个异常。 One idea here might be to create a generic SoapException class that is extended by more specific SoapExceptions so you don't have to catch a bunch of different types. 这里的一个想法可能是创建一个通用的SoapException类,该类由更具体的SoapExceptions扩展,因此您不必捕获一堆不同的类型。 The above code may be a useful fallback mechanism as well. 上面的代码也可能是一个有用的回退机制。

Finally, yes, you should place custom exceptions in lib/exception . 最后,是的,您应该在lib/exception放置自定义lib/exception

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