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[英]Who Needs (SOAP) Reliable Messaging?

I spotted a very good argument against protocol-based (viz. SOAP) reliable messaging . 我发现了一个反对基于协议(即SOAP)可靠消息传递的非常好的论据 Is this a flame-war topic, or is there a fair degree of consensus about this? 这是一个火焰战争话题,还是对此存在相当程度的共识?

I think the author's "Netherlands" case-study ought to have included an in-order example as well. 我认为作者的“荷兰”案例研究也应该包括一个有序的例子。

ps I wish google had a "contrast" tool, that finds sites with opposing points of view. ps我希望谷歌有一个“对比”工具,找到具有相反观点的网站。 Doesn't "Google Contrast" sound cool? “Google对比度”听起来不是很酷吗? :) :)

It's not an argument against reliable messaging in principle, but against putting it in the transport layer. 它原则上不是反对可靠消息传递的论据,而是反对将它放在传输层中。 It reminds me a little of the Mysql developers years ago saying "you don't need $foo in the database, it's easy to do that in the application layer" - where $foo was typically "transactions", or "foreign keys", or "constraints", or ... any of many other things they've since decided to implement anyway. 它让我想起了几年前的一些Mysql开发人员说“你在数据库中不需要$ foo,在应用程序层很容易做到这一点” - 其中$ foo通常是“事务”或“外键”,或者“约束”,或者......他们自那以后决定实施的许多其他事情。

I don't mean that to imply that de Graauw is necessarily wrong, as it's clear he has no need for a reliable transport in his particular app, but I do suggest that "I don't need X, therefore you don't either" is a false generalisation in principle and often incorrect in practice. 我并不是说暗示de Graauw一定是错的,因为很明显他在他的特定应用程序中不需要可靠的传输,但我确实建议“我不需要X,因此你也不需要“原则上是错误的概括在实践中往往不正确。

Unreliable messaging (ie. UDP) can be made reliable by providing handshaking messages: 通过提供握手消息可以使不可靠的消息传递(即UDP)可靠:

S: Are you there? S:你在吗?

R: Yes, I am Here. R:是的,我在这里。

S: Turn On Porch Light (this is Message 6) S:打开门廊灯(这是消息6)

R: OK. R:好的。

S: Did you receive message 6? S:你收到消息6了吗?

R: Sorry, what? R:对不起,什么? (or no response) (或没有回应)

S: Turn on Porch light (this is message 7) S:打开门廊灯(这是消息7)

R: Message 7 Received. R:收到消息7。

R: Porch Light is On. R:门廊灯打开。

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