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[英]How do you create a formatted string like the following in Objective-C?

I'm a newcomer to the iPhone world. 我是iPhone世界的新来者。 (Previously, I've developed for android.) (以前,我是为Android开发的。)

I've got this code in one of my Android apps: 我的一个Android应用程序中已包含以下代码:

String body = "<Item type='Customer' id= '"+id+"'  action='delete'/>";

What's the same in Objective-C? Objective-C有什么相同之处?

You can use -[NSString stringWithFormat:] : 您可以使用-[NSString stringWithFormat:]

NSString *body = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<Item type='Customer' id='%@' action='delete'/>", idNum];

Assuming the ID is stored in the variable idNum . 假设ID存储在变量idNum ( id is actually a type in Objective-C, so you don't want to use that as a variable name.) id实际上是Objective-C中的一种类型,因此您不想将其用作变量名。)

As Henrik says, it's: 正如Henrik所说的:

NSInteger id = 5;
NSString* body = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<Item type='Customer' id= '%d'  action='delete'/>", i];

(A purist may argue with this, though.) (不过,纯粹主义者可能对此表示反对。)

But really the answer is to read through " Learning Objective-C: A Primer ." 但是,真正的答案是通读“ 学习Objective-C:入门” It's not terribly long and shows you pretty much everything you need to know about the language. 它并不长,并且向您显示了几乎所有您需要了解的有关该语言的知识。

String body = "<Item type='Customer' id= '"+id+"'  action='delete'/>";

NSString* id = @"foo";
NSString* body 
  = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<Item type='Customer' id='%@' action='delete'/>", id ];

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