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[英]Check if a command prints out a string that matches a regexp with Ruby?

I want to run: 我要跑步:

> ruby --version
ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29034) [x86_64-darwin10.4.0]

and then see if 1.9.2 is printed out. 然后查看是否打印出1.9.2 If so, i return true . 如果是这样,我返回true

How would this method look like using a regexp? 使用正则表达式该方法看起来如何?

我建议使用“ RUBY_VERSION”,但是您可以执行以下操作:

`ruby --version`.include? "1.9.2"

RUBY_VERSION == "1.9.2"

Maybe I am off the track here but you do seem to want to check the version from the shell ? 也许我不在这里,但您似乎确实想从shell检查版本? Something like this then will do it. 这样的事情就可以了。

export VERSION=`ruby --version | grep 1.9.2`
if [[ -n "$VERSION" ]] ; then
  echo "you have the right version yay!"
  echo "bummer dude ><!"

The regex for this is simply 正则表达式很简单


So 所以

s=`ruby --version`
return true if s=~/1\.9\.2/

(updated) (更新)

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