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[英]Java pretty print for duration

Is there Java class or some sample code that can convert a java Date or Timestamp into something like: 是否有Java类或一些示例代码可以将java Date或Timestamp转换为:

"3 hours"
" 20 seconds"
 "25 minutes"

I need those strings in my web application to show how much it took to generate a file (in a pretty print way of course :) ) 我需要在我的Web应用程序中使用这些字符串来显示生成文件所需的时间(当然是以漂亮的打印方式:))

Thanks, 谢谢,

With JodaTime : 随着JodaTime

PeriodFormat.getDefault( ).print( Hours.THREE );
PeriodFormat.getDefault( ).print( Seconds.seconds( 25 ) );
PeriodFormat.getDefault( ).print( Minutes.minutes( 20 ) );

PS Also it's very easy to get the number of hours/seconds/minutes between 2 time points. PS此外,很容易获得2个时间点之间的小时/秒/分钟数。

Using JodaTime is the best overall approach, but here's one way to do it without using any domain-specific libraries, using the ChoiceFormat indirectly in the context of a MessageFormat : 使用JodaTime是最好的整体方法,但是这里有一种方法可以在不使用任何特定于域的库的情况下,在MessageFormat的上下文中间接使用ChoiceFormat

static String choiceFor(int index, String noun) {
    return "{index,choice,0#|1#1 noun |1<{index,number,integer} nouns }"
        .replace("index", String.valueOf(index))
        .replace("noun", noun);
static String prettyPrint(int h, int m, int s) {
    String fmt = 
        choiceFor(0, "hour") +
        choiceFor(1, "minute") +
        choiceFor(2, "second");
    return java.text.MessageFormat.format(fmt, h, m, s).trim();

Now you can have ( as seen on ideone.com ): 现在你可以拥有( 如ideone.com上所示 ):

    // 1 hour 2 minutes 3 seconds

    // 7 seconds

    // 1 hour 1 second

    // 2 minutes

You can of course extend this to include days/months/years/etc. 您当然可以将其扩展到包括天/月/年/等。

you can get the hours, minutes and seconds from java Calendar class and then concat them with what ever you like (hours , mins ...) 你可以从java Calendar课程中获得小时,分钟和秒钟,然后用你喜欢的东西(小时,分钟......)连接它们

Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.setTimeinMillis(<the time in milli second format (a long number)>);

int hours = c.get(Calendar.HOUR);
int mins = c.get(Calendar.MIN);

This sounds very much like TimeAgo . 这听起来很像TimeAgo You may be able to leverage the code in there to format durations like this. 您可以利用其中的代码来格式化这样的持续时间。

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