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如何从Excel VBA的值范围返回唯一值

[英]How to return unique value from a range of values Excel VBA

I have a table with three fields (ID, Price, Date) in excel. 我在excel中有一个包含三个字段(ID,价格,日期)的表。 It has four records as following: 它有四条记录如下:

ID Price  Date
1  $400   1/1/2010
2  $500   1/2/2010
3  $200   1/1/2010
4  $899   1/2/2010

I would like to take each value of the date and place it in a cell A2 , A3 , A4 .... however, I want to take only unique dates and do not take any date that was already stored in a previous cell. 我想获取日期的每个值并将其放在单元格A2A3A4 ....但是,我想只采用唯一的日期,并且不采用已存储在前一个单元格中的任何日期。 For example, date 1/1/2010 should be stored in cell A2 and 1/2/2010 should be stored in cell A3 . 例如,日期1/1/2010应当存储在单元A21/2/2010应当存储在单元A3 When it comes to the third record which is 1/1/2010 it should ignore it because a similar date was already found previously and so on. 当谈到1/1/2010的第三条记录时,它应该忽略它,因为之前已经找到了类似的日期,依此类推。 Thanks for your help! 谢谢你的帮助!

Here's some VBA code you can use to loop through the first sheet and copy only the first unique row to the second sheet. 这里有一些VBA代码,您可以使用它们遍历第一张工作表,并仅将第一个唯一行复制到第二张工作表。 Your question asked for just the value to be copied, but this code copies the entire row. 您的问题仅询问要复制的值,但此代码会复制整行。 You could easily remove the unnecessary columns or modify the code. 您可以轻松删除不必要的列或修改代码。

Option Explicit

Sub Main()
    Dim wsSource As Worksheet
    Dim wsDestination As Worksheet
    Dim uniqueCol As String
    Set wsSource = Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set wsDestination = Worksheets("Sheet2")
    uniqueCol = "C"
    CopyFirstUniqueValuesToOtherWorksheet _
        wsSource, _
        wsDestination, _
End Sub

Sub CopyFirstUniqueValuesToOtherWorksheet( _
    sourceSheet As Worksheet, _
    destinationSheet As Worksheet, _
    uniqueCol As String)

    Dim iRow As Long
    Dim iHeaderRow As Long
    Dim rngUnique As Range
    iHeaderRow = 1
    iRow = iHeaderRow + 1

    'Clear contents of destination sheet '
    ClearDestinationSheet sourceSheet, destinationSheet

    'Copy Header Row '
    CopyRow sourceSheet, destinationSheet, iHeaderRow

    'Loop through source sheet and copy unique values '
    Do While Not IsEmpty(sourceSheet.Range("A" & iRow).value)
        Set rngUnique = sourceSheet.Range(uniqueCol & iRow)
        If Not ValueExistsInColumn(destinationSheet, uniqueCol, _
          CStr(rngUnique.value)) Then
            CopyRow sourceSheet, destinationSheet, iRow
        End If
        iRow = iRow + 1

End Sub

Sub CopyRow(sourceSheet As Worksheet, _
    destinationSheet As Worksheet, _
    sourceRow As Long)

    Dim iDestRow As Long
    sourceSheet.Rows(sourceRow & ":" & sourceRow).Select
    iDestRow = 1
    Do While Not IsEmpty(destinationSheet.Range("A" & iDestRow).value)
        iDestRow = iDestRow + 1
    destinationSheet.Rows(iDestRow & ":" & iDestRow).Select
End Sub

Sub ClearDestinationSheet(sourceSheet As Worksheet, _
    destinationSheet As Worksheet)

End Sub

Function ValueExistsInColumn(sheet As Worksheet, _
    col As String, _
    value As String) As Boolean

    Dim rng As Range
    Dim i As Long
    i = 2

    Do While Not IsEmpty(sheet.Range(col & i).value)
        Set rng = sheet.Range(col & i)
        If CStr(rng.value) = value Then
            ValueExistsInColumn = True
            Exit Function
        End If
        i = i + 1

    ValueExistsInColumn = False
End Function

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