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[英]handling more than one request

I am writing an ordering system. 我正在写一个订购系统。

In this program, the user can request food. 在该程序中,用户可以请求食物。 For this purpose I have a class named User and a class named Food . 为此,我有一个名为User的类和一个名为Food的类。

In the class Program I have a field which is a list field that contains foods object. 在类Program我有一个字段,它是一个包含食物对象的列表字段。 In the class Program I also have a field of user object. 在类Program我还有一个用户对象字段。

Now I am a bit confused. 现在我有点困惑。 The thing is if two users at the same time request order, do I need to use a list of users in my Program class or is the one field enough? 问题是,如果两个用户同时请求订单,我是否需要在我的Program类中使用一个用户列表,或者是一个字段呢? Or do I need to use threading. 或者我需要使用线程。

The way I have written the app, it just handles one request at the time. 我编写应用程序的方式,它只是处理一个请求。 So what about further requests? 那么进一步的请求呢? What changes do I need to apply so it handles users' requests? 我需要应用哪些更改才能处理用户的请求?

I am not using any database at the moment (which I am not that much familiar with) 我目前没有使用任何数据库(我不是很熟悉)

class User {
  private string name;
  private string address;
  // ...

class Food {
  private string name;
  private int id;
  // ...

class Program {
  private User user;
  private List<Food> foods;
  // ...

If you want to associate a more than one food objects with a user, you could have a list of foods with their IDs for each user (that means a list of foods in every user class), so you could add the ordered food items to each user and you should have a users list in your program and a food list containing all the default food items with their IDs. 如果你想将一个以上的食物对象与一个用户联系起来,你就可以得到一个食物清单,其中包含每个用户的ID(这意味着每个用户类别中的食物清单),因此你可以将订购的食物添加到每个用户,您应该在您的程序中有一个用户列表和一个食品清单,其中包含所有带有ID的默认食品。 But why don't you take a look in making it with a DB system (like SQLite) or XML with DataSet and DataTable (you could have your foods as an XML file and you could easily load it into a DataSet or save it from a DataSet to an XML file)? 但是你为什么不看看使用数据库系统(如SQLite)或带有DataSet和DataTable的XML(你可以把你的食物作为XML文件,你可以很容易地将它加载到DataSet中或从一个数据集中保存它DataSet到XML文件)?

A list of Foods is maintained for each User. 为每个用户保留食物清单。 You can have a Dictionary here. 你可以在这里找到一个词典。

class Program {
    private Dictionary<User, List<Food>> userFoodsMap;
    // ...

Or, you can have a special class that binds Food's to User 或者,您可以拥有一个将Food's绑定到User的特殊类

class UserFoodsMap {
    private User user;
    private List<Food> foods;
    // ...

class Program {
    private List<UserFoodsMap> userFoodsMap;
    // ...

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