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[英]Dragging a window in WPF using DragMove method and click handler on the same button

I need a button for two purposes: 我需要一个按钮用于两个目的:
- Users can drag the application's window using the button -用户可以使用按钮拖动应用程序的窗口
- Users can simply click the button to toggle visibility of some other element in the window. -用户只需单击按钮即可切换窗口中其他元素的可见性。

The button is a PNG image. 该按钮是PNG图片。

I am trying to do it in the following way: 我正在尝试通过以下方式做到这一点:


<Button Name="toggleButton" Click="toggleButton_Click" Canvas.Left="177" Canvas.Top="0">
      <Image Source="/FootballRssReader;component/images/ball.png" MouseLeftButtonDown="toggleButton_MouseLeftButtonDown"/>

C#: C#:

 private void toggleButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            contentVisible = !contentVisible;
            content.Visibility = contentVisible ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

 private void toggleButton_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

The problem is that only the window moving works. 问题在于只有窗口移动才有效。 Clicks on the button don't invoke the Click event handler. 单击按钮不会调用Click事件处理程序。 When I remove MouseLeftButtonDown event handling from the button's image, the Click event is executed. 当我从按钮的图像中删除MouseLeftButtonDown事件处理时,将执行Click事件。

Can anybody help me? 有谁能够帮助我? Is it possible to create such a button? 是否可以创建这样的按钮?

I tried setting Handled to false in the Image but it didn't help. 我尝试在Image中将Handled设置为false,但这没有帮助。

Thanks, Michal 谢谢,米哈尔

DragMove starts a modal message loop and doesn't return until the mouse button is released, so by the time the button receives the MouseLeftButtonDown event it's already lost the chance to click. DragMove启动模式消息循环,直到释放鼠标按钮时才返回,因此当按钮收到MouseLeftButtonDown事件时,它已经失去了单击的机会。

I'm assuming you don't want the Click to happen if the user drags the window. 我假设您不希望用户拖动窗口时发生单击。 One approach is to do something similar to drag-drop, and only call DragMove if the mouse starts moving while it is pressed. 一种方法是执行类似于拖放的操作,并且仅在鼠标按下时开始移动时才调用DragMove。 Attach handlers to PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown and PreviewMouseMove on the Button: 将处理程序附加到Button上的PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown和PreviewMouseMove:

<Button Name="toggleButton" Click="toggleButton_Click"
    Canvas.Left="177" Canvas.Top="0"
            <Image Source="/FootballRssReader;component/images/ball.png"/>

Record the mouse position in the PreviewLeftMouseButtonDown handler, and then start the DragMove in the PreviewMouseMove handler if the mouse has started moving: 在PreviewLeftMouseButtonDown处理程序中记录鼠标的位置,如果鼠标已经开始移动,则在PreviewMouseMove处理程序中启动DragMove:

private Point startPoint;

private void toggleButton_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(
    object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    startPoint = e.GetPosition(toggleButton);

private void toggleButton_PreviewMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    var currentPoint = e.GetPosition(toggleButton);
    if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed &&
        toggleButton.IsMouseCaptured &&
        (Math.Abs(currentPoint.X - startPoint.X) >
            SystemParameters.MinimumHorizontalDragDistance ||
        Math.Abs(currentPoint.Y - startPoint.Y) >
        // Prevent Click from firing

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