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[英]Modifying existing excel using jxl

I m not able to edit the existing excel sheet using jxl. 我无法使用jxl编辑现有的Excel工作表。 It always creates a new one. 它总是创建一个新的。 Can anyone please help me out with it. 谁能帮我解决这个问题。 Please give a small sample code. 请提供一个小的示例代码。

jxl is designed for increased read efficiency (since this is the primary use of the API). jxl旨在提高读取效率(因为这是API的主要用途)。 In order to improve performance, data which relates to output information (eg. all the formatting information such as fonts) is not interpreted when the spreadsheet is read, since this is superfluous when interrogating the raw data values. 为了提高性能,在读取电子表格时不解释与输出信息有关的数据(例如,所有格式信息,例如字体),因为在询问原始数据值时这是多余的。

However, if we need to modify this spreadsheet a handle to the various write interfaces is needed, which can be obtained using the copy method. 但是,如果需要修改此电子表格,则需要使用各种写接口的句柄,可以使用copy方法获得该句柄。

Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("myfile.xls"));
WritableWorkbook copy = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("temp.xls"), workbook);

This copies the information that has already been read in as well as performing the additional processing to interpret the fields that are necessary to for writing spreadsheets. 这将复制已读入的信息,并执行其他处理以解释编写电子表格所需的字段。 The disadvantage of this read-optimized strategy is that we have two spreadsheets held in memory rather than just one, thus doubling the memory requirements. 这种读取优化策略的缺点是,我们在内存中保存了两个电子表格,而不是一个,从而使内存需求翻了一番。

But after this, you can do whatever you want. 但是之后,您可以做任何您想做的事情。 Like: 喜欢:

WritableSheet sheet2 = copy.getSheet(1); 
WritableCell cell = sheet2.getWritableCell(1, 2); 

if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL) 
  Label l = (Label) cell; 
  l.setString("modified cell"); 

Note: this is directly taken from Andy Khan's tutorial page . 注意:这直接取自Andy Khan的教程页面

I know that this is quite an old question, but if anyone will encounter the same problem, then to preserve the correct formatting (font type, colouring, etc. ) you should save the cell format before casting it to Label, and then force the cell to the previous formatting. 我知道这是一个很老的问题,但是如果有人会遇到相同的问题,那么要保留正确的格式(字体,颜色等),您应该先保存单元格格式,然后再将其转换为Label,然后强制使用单元格恢复为以前的格式。 Code: 码:

CellFormat cfm = cell.getCellFormat();
Label l = (Label) cell; 
l.setString("modified cell");
//there is god example of it, you can copy in ur project and check it out, to 
//understand how  it works

Workbook wk = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("ex.xls"));
WritableWorkbook wkr = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("modifed.xls"), wk);
/* second line makes copy of wk excel file object /creates a readable spreadsheet.
both are now similar and i can Modify exiting wkr spreadsheets */

 //next 2 line retrieve sheet number 0  and cell (1,1)

 WritableSheet getsht = wkr.getSheet(0);
 WritableCell getcl = getsht.getWritableCell(1, 1);

 //making own font 

WritableFont ft = new WritableFont(WritableFont.ARIAL, 20 , WritableFont.BOLD, true , UnderlineStyle.SINGLE); 
//making Format, which uses font
WritableCellFormat   form   =   new WritableCellFormat( ft);

Number nb = ( Number ) getcl ;          
nb.setCellFormat( form );    


I personally use this code to append the xls file and create one if it doesn't exist. 我个人使用此代码附加xls文件并创建一个(如果不存在)。
Using jxl 2.6: 使用jxl 2.6:

    public class Excel {

        private String fileName = "excel_file.xls";
        private String sheetName = "sheet1";
        private WritableWorkbook writableWorkbook;
        private int rowCount;
        private Workbook wb;

// assigns checks if file exists or not, both cases we assign it to a WritableWorkbook // object so that we can write to it.
        private void assignWorkBook() throws IOException, BiffException {
    //        File f = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") +"\\"+fileName);
            File inp = new File(fileName);
                wb = Workbook.getWorkbook(inp);
                writableWorkbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(inp, wb);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e){
                writableWorkbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(inp); //Create a new one

        public int getRowCount() {
            return rowCount;

// this function writes a vector to an excel file, checks if there is already a sheet 
// with that name or not, and uses it. then we have to close the Workbook object before 
// we could write to the file, and then we save the file.
// That is, the file is always saved after writing to it.

        public void writeRow(Vector<String> playerVector) throws WriteException, IOException, BiffException {
            WritableSheet excelSheet;
            if(writableWorkbook.getNumberOfSheets() == 0) {
                excelSheet = writableWorkbook.createSheet(sheetName, 0);
            else {
                excelSheet = writableWorkbook.getSheet(sheetName);
            rowCount = excelSheet.getRows();
            int colCount = 0;
            for(String playerStat:playerVector) {
                Label label = new Label(colCount++, rowCount, playerStat);
            if(wb != null) {
            writableWorkbook.close(); //everytime save it.

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