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VIM和Scala - 缩进问题?

[英]VIM and Scala — indentation problems?

I downloaded Scala 2.8, installed the vim scripts included and tried to type in some Scala code. 我下载了Scala 2.8,安装了包含的vim脚本,并尝试输入一些Scala代码。 When I typed in val x = 1 + 2 and hit ENTER, the indentation goes to below the v. When I type in val x = (1 + 2) , the indentation is below the x! 当我输入val x = 1 + 2并按下ENTER时,缩进变为低于v。当我输入val x = (1 + 2) ,缩进低于x!

If VIM is used by anyone at all for Scala, this bug should've been seen long ago. 如果任何人都使用VIM进行Scala,很久以前就会看到这个bug。 Or am I the only one seeing this? 或者我是唯一一个看到这个的人?

With the indent/scala.vim from the current 2.8.0.final release I have the same outcome... But I know, that it worked in a earlier release, because I have one file here where it works. 使用当前2.8.0.final版本中的indent/scala.vim ,我有相同的结果......但我知道,它在早期版本中有效,因为我在这里有一个文件可以使用它。 Here it is: 这里是:

" Vim indent file
" Language   : Scala (http://scala-lang.org/)
" Maintainer : Stefan Matthias Aust
" Last Change: 2006 Apr 13

if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1

setlocal indentexpr=GetScalaIndent()

setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),!^F,<>>,<CR>

setlocal autoindent sw=2 et

if exists("*GetScalaIndent")

function! CountParens(line)
  let line = substitute(a:line, '"\(.\|\\"\)*"', '', 'g')
  let open = substitute(line, '[^(]', '', 'g')
  let close = substitute(line, '[^)]', '', 'g')
  return strlen(open) - strlen(close)

function! GetScalaIndent()
  " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
  let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)

  " Hit the start of the file, use zero indent.
  if lnum == 0
    return 0

  let ind = indent(lnum)
  let prevline = getline(lnum)

  "Indent html literals
  if prevline !~ '/>\s*$' && prevline =~ '^\s*<[a-zA-Z][^>]*>\s*$'
    return ind + &shiftwidth

  "### Taken from mail on scala mailing list
  "### -------------------------------------
  " Add a 'shiftwidth' after lines that start a block
  " If if, for or while end with ), this is a one-line block
  " If val, var, def end with =, this is a one-line block
  "if prevline =~ '^\s*\<\(\(else\s\+\)\?if\|for\|while\|va[lr]\|def\)\>.*[)=]\s*$'
      "\ || prevline =~ '^\s*\<else\>\s*$'
      "\ || prevline =~ '{\s*$'
      "let ind = ind + &shiftwidth
      " Add a 'shiftwidth' after lines that start a block
      " If if, for or while end with ), this is a one-line block
      " If val, var, def end with =, this is a one-line block
      if prevline =~ '^\s*\<\(\(else\s\+\)\?if\|for\|while\)\>.*[)]\s*$'
                  \ || prevline =~ '^\s*\<\(\(va[lr]\|def\)\>.*[=]\s*$'
                  \ || prevline =~ '^\s*\<else\>\s*$'
                  \ || prevline =~ '{\s*$'
          let ind = ind + &shiftwidth

  " If parenthesis are unbalanced, indent or dedent
  let c = CountParens(prevline)
  echo c
  if c > 0
    let ind = ind + &shiftwidth
  elseif c < 0
    let ind = ind - &shiftwidth

  "### Taken from mail on scala mailing list
  "### -------------------------------------
  " Dedent after if, for, while and val, var, def without block
  "let pprevline = getline(prevnonblank(lnum - 1))
  "if pprevline =~ '^\s*\<\(\(else\s\+\)\?if\|for\|while\|va[lr]\|def\)\>.*[)=]\s*$'
      "\ || pprevline =~ '^\s*\<else\>\s*$'
      "let ind = ind - &shiftwidth
      " Dedent after if, for, while and val, var, def without block
      "let pprevline = getline(prevnonblank(lnum - 1))
      if pprevline =~ '^\s*\<\(\(else\s\+\)\?if\|for\|while\)\>.*[)]\s*$'
                  \ || pprevline =~ '^\s*\<\(\va[lr]\|def\)\>.*[=]\s*$'
                  \ || pprevline =~ '^\s*\<else\>\s*$'
          let ind = ind - &shiftwidth

  " Align 'for' clauses nicely
  if prevline =~ '^\s*\<for\> (.*;\s*$'
    let ind = ind - &shiftwidth + 5

  " Subtract a 'shiftwidth' on '}' or html
  let thisline = getline(v:lnum)
  if thisline =~ '^\s*[})]'
        \ || thisline =~ '^\s*</[a-zA-Z][^>]*>'
    let ind = ind - &shiftwidth

  return ind

But I have no clue, where the change was introduced... Tried to find it in the SVN history at https://codereview.scala-lang.org/fisheye/browse/scala-svn/scala-tool-support/trunk/src/vim/indent/scala.vim 但我不知道引入了哪些变化......试图在SVN历史中找到它: https://codereview.scala-lang.org/fisheye/browse/scala-svn/scala-tool-support/trunk /src/vim/indent/scala.vim

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