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[英]Midlet throws javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreException: error opening record store file in Samsung emulator

I'm using the Samsung SDK 1.2.0 Beta in Netbeans 6.8. 我正在Netbeans 6.8中使用Samsung SDK 1.2.0 Beta。 I'm trying to test my midlet for accessing the record store management system. 我正在尝试测试我的Midlet是否可以访问记录存储管理系统。

This statement 这个说法

 RecordStore rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore("Store", true);

runs fine when I'm using the Nokia SDK but it throws a RecordStoreException when I used it on Samsung. 我在使用诺基亚SDK时运行良好,但在三星上使用它时会引发RecordStoreException。

I already discovered what's wrong. 我已经发现了问题所在。 I installed Samsung SDK to a different folder with spaces instead of installing it to the default folder which is "C:\\Samsung_SDK_120_Beta" or to another folder without using spaces. 我将Samsung SDK安装到带有空格的其他文件夹中,而不是将其安装到默认文件夹“ C:\\ Samsung_SDK_120_Beta”或另一个不使用空格的文件夹中。

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