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更好的Indy for Dephi 2007

[英]Better Indy for Dephi 2007

Which better is using default indy10 that's comes with Delphi 2007 or upgrade it to latest snapshot version and why ? 哪个更好的是使用Delphi 2007附带的默认indy10或将其升级到最新的快照版本,为什么?

Thank you 谢谢

Always keep up with the latest version. 始终跟上最新版本。 It contains bug fixes. 它包含错误修复。 If you report a problem with the stock version supplied with Delphi, the first advice you'll get is to upgrade to the latest version because your bug has probably already been fixed. 如果您报告Delphi提供的库存版本的问题,您将获得的第一个建议是升级到最新版本,因为您的错误可能已经修复。

Do not always keep up with the latest version. 不要总是跟上最新版本。 Download latest version now and start your project with it. 立即下载最新版本并使用它启动您的项目。 Then do not keep up until you have a good reason or enough time to recheck all the functionality. 然后在你有充分的理由或足够的时间重新检查所有功能之前不要跟上。 Otherwise, you depend on vendor and trust him that he will never break existing code in his bug fixes or new features introduces. 否则,您依赖供应商并相信他将永远不会破坏他的错误修复或新功能介绍中的现有代码。 Having that much trust is too much for me. 拥有那么多的信任对我来说太过分了。 Of course, you should check from time to time for new versions and decide if it's worth upgrading. 当然,您应该不时检查新版本并确定是否值得升级。

Always keep up with the latest version. 始终跟上最新版本。

Oh no, it isn't for novices. 哦不,这不适合新手。 For exapmle, 21 august 2010 I've downloaded latest snapshot of Indy 10.5.7 and it doesn't works with cookies at all! 对于exapmle,2010年8月21日我已经下载了Indy 10.5.7的最新快照,它根本不适用于cookie! Yes, I've found an error and patch it, but you must realize that you can lost a great part of functionality using snapshots under active development. 是的,我发现了一个错误并对其进行了修补,但您必须意识到在活动开发中使用快照可能会丢失大部分功能。 So, I'm using Indy for many years and have a lot of patches in my projects folder. 所以,我使用Indy多年,并在我的项目文件夹中有很多补丁。 Every update is a headache! 每次更新都很头疼! Sorry, Remy Lebeau, but it's true. 对不起,Remy Lebeau,但这是真的。

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