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在Windows 7而不是Windows XP上运行Visual Studio 2010的优势

[英]Advantage of running Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 instead of Windows XP

在Windows 7而不是Windows XP上运行Visual Studio 2010有什么优势吗?

First, Windows 7 has goodies to offer you. 首先,Windows 7有一些好东西可以为您提供。 I am more productive on Windows 7. And Visual Studio 2010 (unlike 2008 and earlier) is Windows 7 aware. 我在Windows 7上的工作效率更高。而Visual Studio 2010(与2008及更早版本不同)是Windows 7。 I get nice jumplists to make it easier to get to recent projects, for example. 例如,我获得了很好的跳转列表,以便更容易进入最近的项目。 It also makes it possible to install Visual Studio extensions like the one I blogged that adds a compiler progress bar as an overlay on your taskbar icon, so you can minimize VS during a slow build and know how it's doing. 它还可以安装Visual Studio扩展,例如我在博客上添加编译器进度条作为任务栏图标上的叠加层,因此您可以在缓慢构建期间最小化VS并知道它是如何进行的。

Second, moving your prime machine to 7 is likely to help your users. 其次,将您的主要机器移动到7可能会帮助您的用户。 Many developers have been caught off balance the first time their application is deployed to a machine on which they are not an admin. 许多开发人员在他们的应用程序第一次部署到他们不是管理员的计算机时就失去了平衡。 Developing on Windows 7 is one way to be sure your application works with UAC, and works on an XP machine being run by a non-admin (if you ever meet one.) Getting in the habit of using Windows 7 features yourself will encourage you to hook them into your application. 在Windows 7上进行开发是确保您的应用程序与UAC协同工作的一种方法,并且可以在由非管理员运行的XP计算机上运行(如果您遇到过该计算机)。养成使用Windows 7功能的习惯会鼓励您将它们挂钩到您的应用程序中。 Staying on XP yourself increases the tendency that you will deliver an XP application people can kinda sorta mostly use on Windows 7, rather than a Windows 7 application. 自己坚持使用XP会增加您提供XP应用程序的趋势,人们可以在Windows 7上使用这种应用程序,而不是Windows 7应用程序。

Consider the difference between WPF on XP and Windows Vista (Aero), as one of the arguments. 考虑XP上的WPF和Windows Vista (Aero) 之间区别 ,作为其中一个参数。 Beyond that, insert all generic improvements in Windows for the last decade, and so on... 除此之外,在过去十年中在Windows中插入所有通用改进,依此类推......

Edit: To clarify, Visual Studio 2010 uses WPF, so you get a much faster and stable IDE by using it on Vista/Windows 7. 编辑:为了澄清,Visual Studio 2010使用WPF,因此通过在Vista / Windows 7上使用它可以获得更快更稳定的IDE。

As a general rule, I think it's better to develop on your target platform. 作为一般规则,我认为最好在目标平台上进行开发。 So if you develop for Windows 7, develop on Win7. 因此,如果您 Windows 7开发,请 Win7上进行开发。 If you develop for XP, I would suggest developing on XP. 如果开发 XP,我建议 XP 开发。

Everything else is a matter of taste. 其他一切都是品味问题。 Yes, there are many developers who love Win7 and can't imagine going back to the ancient XP. 是的,有很多开发人员喜欢Win7,无法想象回到古老的XP。 On the other hand, there are still quite a few folks around who consider XP to be the more mature Windows, and won't consider switching before Win7 SP2 is out. 另一方面,仍然有不少人认为XP是更成熟的Windows,并且在Win7 SP2出局之前不会考虑切换。

Take your pick... 随便挑选......

I guess it also depends on what is your target, if you do application development (read WPF/Windows Forms) then, like it has already been said, it will need to be tested on multiple platforms so doesn't make much difference. 我想这也取决于你的目标是什么,如果你进行应用程序开发(阅读WPF / Windows窗体),那么就像已经说过的那样,它需要在多个平台上进行测试,所以没有太大的区别。 However, if you are doing web application development then you should target the specific IIS version you are going to deploy to. 但是,如果您正在进行Web应用程序开发,那么您应该将要部署的特定IIS版本作为目标。 This has become easier with the launch of IIS Express, however if targeting IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 then run Windows 7 :-) 启动IIS Express后,这变得更加容易,但是如果在Windows 2008 R2上定位IIS 7.5,则运行Windows 7 :-)

In my experience, Windows 2008 R2 running as a workstation is pretty good, but has lack of support for some DVD-RW drives and graphics cards can be a little unstable so stick with Windows 7 :-) 根据我的经验,作为工作站运行的Windows 2008 R2相当不错,但缺乏对某些DVD-RW驱动器和显卡的支持可能有点不稳定所以坚持使用Windows 7 :-)

I hope this helps :-) 我希望这有帮助 :-)

The killer argument is: VS 2010 is way more stable on Win7 than it is on XP. 杀手论点是:VS 2010在Win7上比在XP上更稳定。 I have both configurations running, and depending on what I'm exactly doing, VS crashes about every 30 minutes on XP, whereas it seldomly crashes on Win7. 我有两个配置都在运行,并且根据我正在做的事情,VS在XP上每30分钟崩溃一次,而在Win7上它很少崩溃。

This is largely caused by the fact that VS 2010 uses Windows Presentation Foundation, which was not at all on the scene when XP was designed. 这很大程度上是因为VS 2010使用的是Windows Presentation Foundation,这在设计XP时根本不存在。

But overall, I experienced VS 2010 being much more unstable than 2008 anyway as for now. 但总的来说,我觉得VS 2010比现在更加不稳定。 I pray for SP1 every single day ;-)... 我每天都为SP1祈祷; - )...

EDIT: 编辑:
I don't think it is helpful to care about the target platform in the first place. 我认为首先关心目标平台并不是有帮助的。 To me, it's much more important to have a reliable everyday working environment. 对我而言,拥有可靠的日常工作环境更为重要。

Thomas 托马斯

In my opinion: 在我看来:

If you using Windows XP you do not experience the full feature set of WPF and Window 7's transparency. 如果您使用的是Windows XP,则不会遇到WPF和Window 7透明度的完整功能集。 It is a another matter that your system can play much faster than in Windows 7. 另一个问题是您的系统可以比Windows 7更快地播放。

Window 7 gives you a full feeling of all features for full enjoyment of the development on Window 7. Window 7让您充分感受到所有功能,以充分享受Window 7的开发。

Visual Studio is developed upon WPF so working with current technologies is much better than working with the old version. Visual Studio是在WPF上开发的,因此使用当前技术比使用旧版本要好得多。

I myself use Visual Studio on Window 7 but use the classic mode which give me the feeling of Window XP classic. 我自己在Window 7上使用Visual Studio,但使用经典模式,让我感受到Window XP经典。

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