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[英]Color code php inside of css in Dreamweaver

I'm creating a dynamic css stylesheet with php variables in it. 我正在创建一个动态的CSS样式表,其中包含php变量。 I would like to have any code that appears inside the tags color coded as if it was a php file, while everything outside is css color coded. 我想让任何出现在标签内部的代码都以颜色编码,就好像它是一个php文件一样,而外部的所有内容都以css颜色编码。

As it is now, everything is color coded for css and the file is .css (I'd like to keep the .css file extension). 现在,所有内容都使用CSS进行颜色编码,文件名为.css(我想保留.css文件扩展名)。

I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 on Windows 7. 我在Windows 7上使用Dreamweaver CS3。

Thanks 谢谢

Unfortunately, it isn't possible to edit this behavior in Dreamweaver. 不幸的是,无法在Dreamweaver中编辑此行为。 Dreamweaver does its best to detect what language things are in and color code accordingly, but what you are describing is a fundamental change in the way the code editor interprets code. Dreamweaver会尽最大努力检测出所用语言以及相应的颜色代码,但是您要描述的内容是代码编辑器解释代码方式的根本变化。

You will need to use different editor. 您将需要使用其他编辑器。

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