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MySql Last_Insert_Id()的并发问题…(C#)

[英]Concurrency Problem With MySql Last_Insert_Id()… (C#)

I'm not really sure why the following console application doesn't produce the expected behavior for last_insert_id(). 我不太确定为什么以下控制台应用程序不会对last_insert_id()产生预期的行为。 I've read that last_insert_id() returns the last auto_incremented value for a particular connection, but in this code, the same result is returned for both connections. 我读过last_insert_id()返回特定连接的最后一个auto_incremented值,但是在这段代码中,两个连接都返回相同的结果。 Can someone explain where I've gone wrong? 有人可以解释我哪里出问题了吗?

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string ConnectionString = "server=XXXX;database=XXXX;username=XXXX;password=XXXX;pooling=true;max pool size=100;min pool size=0";

        MySqlConnection conn1 = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString);
        MySqlConnection conn2 = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString);

        MySqlCommand command1 = new MySqlCommand();
        MySqlCommand command2 = new MySqlCommand();

        command1.Connection = conn1;
        command2.Connection = conn1;

        StringBuilder createTableCommandText = new StringBuilder();
        createTableCommandText.Append("Create Table TestTable (");
        createTableCommandText.Append("Id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ");
        createTableCommandText.Append("str VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, ");
        createTableCommandText.Append("PRIMARY KEY (Id));");

        StringBuilder insertCommandText = new StringBuilder();
        insertCommandText.Append("INSERT INTO TestTable (str) VALUES ('what is the dilleo?');");

        StringBuilder getLastInsertId = new StringBuilder();
        getLastInsertId.Append("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();");


        command1.CommandText = createTableCommandText.ToString();

        command1.CommandText = insertCommandText.ToString();
        command2.CommandText = insertCommandText.ToString();


        command1.CommandText = getLastInsertId.ToString();
        Console.WriteLine("Command 1:  {0}", command1.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
        command2.CommandText = getLastInsertId.ToString();
        Console.WriteLine("Command 2:  {0}", command2.ExecuteScalar().ToString());



I know that this is not happening because of the pooling in the connection string at top, since I tried running the program without that part of the string, and I still got the same results (ie that both Command 1 and Command 2 displayed the same value for last_insert_id()). 我知道这不会发生,因为在顶部的连接字符串中存在池,因为我尝试在不包含字符串的那部分的情况下运行程序,而且我仍然得到相同的结果(即Command 1和Command 2显示相同的结果last_insert_id()的值。 Any ideas are welcome! 欢迎任何想法!

Many thanks, 非常感谢,

Andrew 安德鲁

Look here: 看这里:

command1.Connection = conn1;
command2.Connection = conn1;

You are using the same connection for both commands. 两个命令都使用相同的连接。

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