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如何从Web服务将xml数据返回到jquery ajax调用

[英]How to return xml data to jquery ajax call from webservice

This is my ajax call to webservice -JsonWebService.asmx file 这是我对webservice -JsonWebService.asmx文件的ajax调用

                    type: "POST",
                    async: false, 
                    url: "/blkseek2/JsonWebService.asmx/GetList",
                    data: keyword2,
                    contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8",
                    success: ajaxCallSucceed,
                    dataType: "xml",
                    failure: ajaxCallFailed

This is my method for success ,how will i capture xml response in success method 这是我成功的方法,我将如何捕获成功方法中的xml响应

function ajaxCallSucceed(response) {
    /// here i need to write code to capture response xml doc file

This is my code written in webservice jsonwebservice.asmx.cs file,I am able create xml sucess fully but i am finding difficulty in returning xml back to ajax call 这是我写在webservice jsonwebservice.asmx.cs文件中的代码,我能够完全创建xml成功,但是我发现很难将xml返回到ajax调用

    [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
    public XmlDocument GetList(string keyword1, string streetname, string lat, string lng, string radius)
        XmlDocument xmldoc= CreateXML( keyword1,streetname,lat,lng,radius);

        return xmldoc;


Change your web method as below and try again: 如下更改您的网络方法,然后重试:

[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Xml)]
public XmlDocument GetList(string keyword1, string streetname, string lat, string lng, string radius) {
    XmlDocument xmldoc = CreateXML(keyword1, streetname, lat, lng, radius);
    return xmldoc;

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