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[英]How does this .NET code work?

this code is part of NBuilder . 此代码NBuilder的一部分。 I'm having a bad day .. and to prove it, I don't understand what this (simple) code is trying to do. 我今天过得很糟糕..为了证明这一点,我不明白这个(简单的)代码想要做什么。

Here are the answers, with the code after it. 这里是答案,其后是代码。

GetRandom.Phrase(5) == null or et or ut or do or elit or amet.. 
                       (nothing over 4 characters)
GetRandom.Phrase(4) == null or sit or sed or do .. 
                       (nothing over 3 characters)
GetRandom.Phrase(3) == null or et or ut or do  (nothing over 2 characters)
GetRandom.Phrase(2) == null 
GetRandom.Phrase(1) == null 

and the code... 和代码...

private static readonly string[] latinWords = { "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", 
    "sit", "amet", "consectetur", "adipisicing", "elit", "sed", "do",
    "eiusmod", "tempor", "incididunt", "ut", "labore", "et", "dolore",
    "magna", "aliqua" };

public virtual string Phrase(int length)
    var count = latinWords.Length;
    var result = string.Empty;
    var done = false;
    while (!done)
        var word = latinWords[Next(0, count - 1)];
        if (result.Length + word.Length + 1 > length)
            done = true;
            result += word + " ";
    return result.Trim();

I would have thought that the method should return x number of phrases or a random phrase of at least the length specified? 我以为该方法应返回x个短语或至少指定长度的随机短语?

The code returns a random phrase less than or equal to the length specified, in characters. 该代码以字符为单位返回小于或等于指定长度的随机短语。 The key is this line: 关键是这一行:

if (result.Length + word.Length + 1 > length)

This guarantees that the length in characters of the result (including the newly-added word) doesn't exceed the value of length . 这样可以确保结果的字符长度(包括新添加的单词)不超过length的值。

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