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如何弄清楚如何正确使用此 jQuery 脚本的 setInterval

[英]How to figure out how to use setInterval correct with this jQuery script

This is a continuation of a previous question I asked .这是我之前问过的一个问题的延续。

I'm trying to display a clock based on a pre-determined time value .. not the current clients time.我正在尝试根据预先确定的时间值显示时钟......而不是当前客户端时间。

Here's my jQuery:这是我的 jQuery:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var currentTime = new Date('3/09/2010 9:27:29 PM');
    setInterval("DisplayTime(currentTime, $('.answer-body'))", 1000);

function DisplayTime(currentTime, destination) { ... }

Now inside the DisplayTime function, i was showing some custom text, calling the destintion.html(..) to display that custom text.现在在DisplayTime函数中,我正在显示一些自定义文本,调用destintion.html(..)来显示该自定义文本。 And finally, after I display the text, I was thinking of adding 1 second to currentTime so when the next iteration of the interval, it's not using the original time value, but 1 second later.最后,在我显示文本后,我想在currentTime上增加1 秒,所以当间隔的下一次迭代时,它不是使用原始时间值,而是 1 秒后。

Problem: I cannot pass in the currentTime variable to the setInterval function.问题:我无法将currentTime变量传递给 setInterval 函数。 I don't particularly want to have an anonymous function here, unless I have no choice.我并不特别想在这里有匿名函数,除非我别无选择。

How can I refactor my bad code?如何重构我的错误代码?

So every second, the time is re-displayed with the new second being added.因此,每一秒都会重新显示时间,并添加新的秒数。

On the contrary, you should use an anonymous function here, like this:相反,您应该在这里使用匿名函数,如下所示:

setInterval(function() {
  DisplayTime(currentTime, $('.answer-body'));
}, 1000);

Don't ever pass a string to setInterval() or setTimeout() if you can avoid it, it performs an eval() and has scope issues, like the one you're currently experiencing, since currentTime isn't a global variable.如果可以避免的话,永远不要将字符串传递给setInterval()setTimeout() ,它执行eval()并且具有范围问题,就像您目前遇到的那样,因为currentTime不是全局变量。

$(document).ready(function () {
    var currentTime = new Date('3/09/2010 9:27:29 PM');
    var destination = $('.answer-body');
    function DisplayTime()
      currentTime.setTime(currentTime.getTime() + 1000);
    var id = setInterval(DisplayTime, 1000);

This uses a function (closure) within a function, but not an anonymous one.这在函数中使用了一个函数(闭包),但不是匿名函数。 DisplayTime will not be accessible from outside scopes. DisplayTime将无法从外部范围访问。 There's no real reason to dislike anonymous functions, used appropriately.没有真正的理由不喜欢适当使用的匿名函数。 I would use one here.我会在这里使用一个。

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