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从ASP消耗WCF Rest 4。 净

[英]Consuming WCF Rest 4 From ASP . NET

I am a complete ASP .NET newbie. 我是一个完整的ASP .NET新手。 I've written a set of web services using the WCF 4 Rest Starter Kit. 我已经使用WCF 4 Rest Starter Kit编写了一组Web服务。 I call everything from within a Flash application but I want to write a quick and dirty admin panel for myself to use which has no need to be written in Flash. 我从Flash应用程序中调用所有内容,但是我想编写一个快速且肮脏的管理面板供自己使用,而无需用Flash编写。

I figure it will be faster to get this up and running in ASP. 我认为在ASP中启动并运行它会更快。 So the question is consider a WCF function like this: 因此,问题是考虑这样的WCF函数:

[WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "/Login/", Method = "POST")]
        public User Login(User user)
             // Code here
             // Either throw a WebFaultException or return the logged in user with a session id

How would I consume this from an ASP .Net page with a username, password, submit box and it either displays errors 401's etc or success (returneduser.sessionid). 我将如何从带有用户名,密码,提交框的ASP .Net页面使用它,或者显示错误401的错误或成功(returneduser.sessionid)。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Note: I am aware of how to call a Rest service over Http in C#. 注意:我知道如何在C#中通过Http调用Rest服务。 It's really a question of is there a "nice way" to due this in ASP or is it just make a form like: 这实际上是一个问题,在ASP中是否应该有一种“不错的方法”,或者只是做成像这样的形式:

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<form action="WebForm2.aspx.cs" >
    <asp:textbox id="Email" runat="server"/>
    <asp:textbox id="Password" runat="server"/>
    <asp:Button id="Button1" OnClick="OnButtonClick" runat="server" Text="Login"/>
  <asp:Label ID="labelResult" runat="server" />

Then on click in the code behind do something like this: 然后单击后面的代码,执行以下操作:

 protected  void OnButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpWebRequest req = WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:35810/Users/Login/") as HttpWebRequest;

            String userString = UsefulStuff.Serialization.SerializationUtil.
                SerializeDataContractToString(typeof(User), new User() { Email =  new Email(textboxUsername.text),
                                                                         Password = new Password(textboxPassword.text) });

            String strResponse = GetHttpPostResponse(req, userString);

            User recievedUser = UsefulStuff.Serialization.SerializationUtil.DeserializeDataContractString(
                typeof(User), strResponse) as User;

            labelResult.Text = recievedUser.SessionId;

        public static String GetHttpPostResponse(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, String serializedPayload)
            httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
            httpWebRequest.ContentType = "text/xml";
            httpWebRequest.ContentLength = serializedPayload.Length;

            StreamWriter streamOut = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(), Encoding.ASCII);

            StreamReader streamIn = new StreamReader(httpWebRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());

            string strResponse = streamIn.ReadToEnd();

            return strResponse;

Basic approach to call REST service is by HttpWebRequest 调用REST服务的基本方法是通过HttpWebRequest

// User object serialized to XML
XElement data = new XElement("User",
  new XElement("UserName", UserName),
  new XElement("Password", Password)

MemoryStream dataSream = new MemoryStream();

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(YourServiceUrl);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/xml";
// You need to know length and it has to be set before you access request stream
request.ContentLength = dataStream.Length; 

using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())

HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
if (response.Status == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)

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