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Expressionengine 2和git(版本控制)

[英]Expressionengine 2 and git (version control)

I'm looking to move over to using git to make my EE development a lot easier and more manageable. 我希望转而使用git来简化我的EE开发并使其更易于管理。 I'm already aware of the guides posted on devotee and a few othersites but after scanning over them they seem a little old and seem to be specifically for ee 1.x, I was wondering if anyone had been successful with ee 2. I've only recently made the transition from svn to git, previously I found that using ee via svn was a ballache, so many confit conflicts, wrong urls, and all versions of the site were using the same database. 我已经知道在奉献者和其他一些站点上发布的指南,但是在对它们进行扫描之后,它们似乎有些陈旧并且似乎专门针对ee 1.x,我想知道是否有人在ee 2上取得了成功。 ve是最近才从svn过渡到git的,以前我发现通过svn使用ee是一个麻烦,所以很多冲突冲突,错误的url和该网站的所有版本都使用相同的数据库。 I'm basically looking for the best or should I say the ideal way to setup both git and ee to work in harmony together. 我基本上是在寻找最好的方法,或者我应该说是设置git和ee相互协调工作的理想方法。 I'd like to also learn how to branch other sites I develop with ee from this too, if anyone has experience with this that'd be great! 我也想从中学习如何用ee分支我开发的其他站点,如果有人对此有经验的话!

Also if it's any use I'm hosted by dreamhost, As far as I understand they support git, I've looked over their knowledge base on how best to set things up, would anyone reccomend their way of doing things? 另外,如果Dreamhost托管了我的任何用途,据我了解他们支持git,我研究了他们关于如何最好地进行设置的知识库,有人会推荐他们的做事方式吗? And has anyone had a successful experience whilst doing so? 在此过程中,有没有人有成功的经验?

I look forward to hearing your responses! 我期待着您的回音!

Thanks 谢谢

Sent from my iPhone, whilst falling asleep so excuse the possible typos!a 从我的iPhone发送,同时正在入睡,请原谅可能的错字!

Check out Gititon 查看吉顿

My flow is as follows. 我的流程如下。

  1. I've installed git on my local machine. 我已经在本地计算机上安装了git。 (via macports) (通过macports)
  2. Git Server: for me that's Beanstalk (http://www.beanstalkapp.com), Git服务器:对我来说,就是Beanstalk(http://www.beanstalkapp.com),

In the presentation from the above link, you'll see that Github (http://www.github.com) is in between the local git and Beanstalk. 在以上链接的演示文稿中,您将看到Github(http://www.github.com)位于本地git和Beanstalk之间。 But for me, that's kinda an overhead, because I'm the only developer for the moment, maybe I'll add it later. 但是对我来说,这有点麻烦,因为我是目前唯一的开发人员,也许以后再添加。

Advantage : with beanstalk you can deploy via (s)ftp to a staging or production server. 优点 :使用beantalk,您可以通过(s)ftp部署到暂存或生产服务器。 You don't need to install git on your hosting solution. 您无需在托管解决方案上安装git。

Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

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