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在 SQLAlchemy 和 Python 中更新表中的记录

[英]Update a record in a table in SQLAlchemy and Python

I have some problems when I try to update information in some tables.当我尝试更新某些表中的信息时,我遇到了一些问题。 For example, I have this table:例如,我有这张表:

class Channel(rdb.Model):

    id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
    title = Column("title", String(100))
    hash = Column("hash", String(50))
    runtime = Column("runtime", Float)

    items = relationship(MediaItem, secondary="channel_items", order_by=MediaItem.position, backref="channels")

And I have this code:我有这个代码:

def insertXML(channels, strXml):
    channel = Channel()
    session = rdb.Session()
    result = ""

    fillChannelTemplate(channel, channels)

    rChannel = session.query(Channel).get(channel.id)
    for chan in channels:
        if rChannel.id == channel.id:
            rChannel.runtime = channel.runtime
            for item in channel.items:
                if item.id == 0:

When I do "rChannel.items.append(item)", I got this error:当我执行“rChannel.items.append(item)”时,出现此错误:

"FlushError: New instance Channel at 0xaf6e48c with identity key
zeppelinlib.channel.ChannelTest.Channel , (152,) conflicts with
persistent instance Channel at 0xac2e8ac"

However, this instruction is working "rChannel.runtime = channel.runtime".但是,此指令正在运行“rChannel.runtime = channel.runtime”。

Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

Thanks in advance提前致谢

I think your code should be either:我认为您的代码应该是:

for chan in channels:
    if rChannel.id == channel.id:
        runtime = channel.runtime


for chan in channels:
    if rChannel.id == channel.id:
         for item in channel.items:
            if item.id == 0:

But not both.但不是两者兼而有之。 It appears to me that you're adding channel.items twice to rChannel.items .在我看来,您将channel.items添加到rChannel.items两次。

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