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Perl DBI回滚​​不起作用

[英]perl dbi rollback not working

i am using this approach. 我正在使用这种方法。 If there is an error in the sql, rollback only happens for the first id of the asset_group. 如果sql中有错误,则仅对asset_group的第一个ID进行回滚。 Rest of the ids are ignored. 其余的ID将被忽略。 Am i doing it the right way? 我做对了吗?

my $sql = "sql batch that update and insert depending on the condition";  
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;  
$dbh->{PrintError} = 0;  
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;  

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);  
my @error = ();  
my $num = 0;  
foreach my $id (@asset_group) {  
 next if ($id eq '');  
 eval {  
  $sth->bind_param(1, $id);  
  $sth->bind_param(2, $vars{'other_id'});  

 if ($@) {  
  push @error, $@  
 } else {  

Depending on the database, you may need to issue a begin work before you start changing things. 根据数据库的不同,您可能需要在开始更改之前发出开始工作 I seem to remember Informix requiring one. 我似乎记得Informix需要一个。

Also, it looks like you are issuing a commit or a rollback after each execute. 同样,您似乎在每次执行后都发出提交或回滚。 Once you commit, you can't rollback. 一旦提交,就无法回滚。 Normally one says something like 通常有人说

eval {
    for my $id (@asset_group) {  
        next if ($id eq '');  
        $sth->execute($id, $vars{other_id});  
    1; #if it doesn't die then this will force it to return true
} or do {
    my $error = DBI->errstr;
    die "could not insert rows: $error\n"

Note how I don't use $@ . 注意我如何不使用$@ $@ is untrustworthy . $@不可信的

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