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在ASP.NET MVC 2和AJAX中启用客户端验证

[英]Enabling Client-Side Validation in ASP.NET MVC 2 and AJAX

Scott Gu wrote an excellent article explaining how to apply the Data Annotation validation in ASP.NET MVC 2. I have implemented the items in this article for the server-side work, and it works well. Scott Gu 撰写了一篇出色的文章,解释了如何在ASP.NET MVC 2中应用数据注释验证。我已经在服务器端工作中实现了本文中的内容,并且效果很好。 I get back error messages when there is a problem. 出现问题时,我会返回错误消息。

I tried to add the code to also hook in client-side error messages (so a message is displayed when I tab out of a field that violates the rules), but, unfortunately, this does not appear work. 我试图添加代码以同时挂接客户端错误消息(因此当我从违反规则的字段中跳出时会显示一条消息),但是不幸的是,这似乎没有用。 I want to provide more information for my question, but I'm not even sure where to debug where my problem is at the moment. 我想为我的问题提供更多的信息,但是我什至不确定目前在哪里调试我的问题。 How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

To describe my site layout: 要描述我的网站布局:

 Site.Master - The Html.EnableClientValidation() call is here.
  Index.aspx - Contains code to turn partial pages into a tab via jQuery UI tabs.
   PartialPage1.ascx - Contains the fields that I want validated.
   PartialPage2.ascx - Contains the fields that I want validated.

Any help or suggestions on where/how to start the debugging process would be much appreciated. 在任何地方/如何开始调试过程的任何帮助或建议,将不胜感激。 Thank you. 谢谢。

I ended up changing how my entire web application works (one problem is that I did not have a full grasp on ASP.NET MVC), so I have since switched over to utilizing that more correctly and I am now not relying on (misused) AJAX. 我最终改变了整个Web应用程序的工作方式(一个问题是我对ASP.NET MVC并不完全了解),所以从那以后我转向更正确地利用它,而现在我不再依赖(滥用)了。 AJAX。

As a result, the client-side validation now works without any additional hacks per Scott Guthrie's article. 因此,根据Scott Guthrie的文章,现在可以进行客户端验证,而无需任何其他黑客。

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