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[英]Weird SearchLogic error (Rails)

My search form is triggering this. 我的搜索表单正在触发此操作。

undefined method `id_like_before_type_cast' for #<Class:0xb5ffff68>

Here's the line from the form: 这是表格中的行:

<%= f.text_field :id_like %>

I have fixed this problem on my machine. 我已经在机器上解决了这个问题。 I believe the problem resulted from attempting to upgrade from Rails 2.3.9 to Rails 2.3.12, then backing back down to 2.3.9. 我相信问题是由于尝试从Rails 2.3.9升级到Rails 2.3.12,然后又回落到2.3.9造成的。 I did this without deleting my vendor/rails directory and it looks like some files from 2.3.12 got left behind. 我这样做是在不删除我的vendor / rails目录的情况下进行的,它看起来像2.3.12中的某些文件被遗忘了。

The solution was to delete the vendor/rails directory, then reinstall (and freeze) Rails 2.3.9. 解决方案是删除vendor / rails目录,然后重新安装(并冻结)Rails 2.3.9。

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