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[英]django query using and clause

How to use and clause in Django 如何在Django中使用and子句

For ex: 例如:

    select Date(timestamp) from userlog where (Date(timestamp) >= "2008-01-02" and Date(timestamp) <= "2009-01-02") and ipaddress != "";

  Django query:

     userlog.objects.filter(timestamp__range=(startdate,enddate),ipaddress !="")

In the above there is an error saying non-keyword arg afterkeyword arg and the error is in the above line 上面有一个错误,说non-keyword arg afterkeyword arg并且该错误在上面的行中

ipaddress is a char field,Am i constructing the query wrong if so how this should be resolved ipaddress是一个char字段,如果是这样,我应该构造错误的查询吗

userlog.objects.filter(timestamp__range=(startdate,enddate),ipaddress !="")

The use of != is not correct in Django (or indeed, not in Python). 在Django中使用!=是不正确的(或者实际上在Python中是不正确的)。 In order to exclude all records with ipaddress matching a certain value you should use the exclude() mechanism. 为了排除ipaddress匹配某个值的所有记录,您应该使用exclude()机制。

userlog.objects.filter(timestamp__range=(startdate,enddate)).exclude(ipaddress = 

This has nothing to do with the and clause. 这与and子句无关。 The issue is that ipaddress !="" is an invalid filter expression in Django. 问题是ipaddress !=""在Django中是无效的过滤器表达式。 You can only use the equals sign in filter expressions, because they are actually keyword arguments to the filter method. 只能在过滤器表达式中使用等号,因为它们实际上是过滤器方法的关键字参数。

In your case, you can need to do: 对于您的情况,您可能需要执行以下操作:


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