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[英]Can't access ExtJS radio button on form

So I have an .aspx page. 所以我有一个.aspx页面。 In this grid I'm adding a bunch of controls. 在此网格中,我添加了一堆控件。 The first control however is an ExtObject, not one of our preset VB.NET controls. 但是,第一个控件是ExtObject,而不是我们预设的VB.NET控件之一。 When I go to access the value on the backend for this field with this code: 当我使用以下代码访问该字段的后端值时:


It doesn't work. 没用 I really have no idea what is wrong. 我真的不知道怎么了。 Basically, the radio button value isn't saving when I save the rest of the stuff. 基本上,当我保存其余内容时,单选按钮值不会保存。 So I tried to add code to do it. 所以我试图添加代码来做到这一点。 It was just defaulted to 'And' each time. 每次都默认将其设置为“ And”。 Below is a snippet of code from the actual asp.net grid. 下面是实际的asp.net网格中的代码片段。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

With .Item(2)
                    .Ref = "../Payee2"
                    .LabelWidth = 90
                    With .AddFieldSet("Payee 2")
                        .AddControl(New Forms.Control("", "../PayeeId")).Hidden = True
                        .AddControl(New Forms.Control("", "../AddressId")).Hidden = True

                        .AddExtObject("{xtype:'radiogroup', ref:'../AndOr', defaults:{name:'rdo-payee2'}, width:120, items:[{boxLabel:'And', checked:true, inputValue:'and'},{boxLabel:'Or', inputValue:'or'}]}")
                        Dim ddlPayee2 As New Controls.ComboBox("", "../PayeePreInfo2", "Payee")
                        With ddlPayee2
                            .ForceSelection = True
                            .TypeAhead = False
                            .EmptyText = "Select Payee Details"
                            .ValueField = "AddressId"
                            .XTemplate = "applicantTemplate"
                            .ClientStore = "applicantAddressStore"
                            .AddListener(Akcelerant.Framework.WebControls.Controls.EventType.Select, "function(){prefillPayee('PAYEE2');}")
                        End With
                        With .AddControl(New Forms.Control("", "../FirstName", "First Name", ""))
                            .Validate.MaxLength = 50
                            .ReadOnly = EditControl.IsFieldReadOnly(10483, True)
                        End With
                        With .AddControl(New Forms.Control("", "../LastName", "Last Name", ""))
                            .Validate.MaxLength = 50
                            .ReadOnly = EditControl.IsFieldReadOnly(10484, True)
                        End With

The error it throws is this: 它引发的错误是这样的:

Stack overflow at line: 16736

edit: 编辑:

reverted some changes back and everything saves EXCEPT that value into the DB. 还原了一些更改,所有内容都将该值保存到了数据库中。

go to add this line to the javascript save function 去添加这行到javascript保存功能

if (form.AndOr.getValue() == 'and') {
                payeeRec.set('IsPayee2RequiredToSign', 1);
            } else {
                payeeRec.set('IsPayee2RequiredToSign', 0);

and i get this error: 我得到这个错误:

form.AndOr is not defined

Does the Ext ref: mean something different than my controls and how I access them? Ext ref:表示与我的控件以及访问控件的方式不同吗?

Added a ref to the item of checkWin. 向checkWin项目添加了一个引用。

Then the ref to the radio value became 然后对无线电值的引用变为


With that it can recognize the control on the form. 这样,它可以识别表单上的控件。

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