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[英]How can I handle errors in loading an iframe?

I have an <iframe> that other sites can include so their users can POST a form back to my site. 我有一个<iframe>其他网站可以包括这样他们的用户可以POST形式返回到我的网站。 I'd like to handle gracefully the cases where my site is down or my server can't serve the <iframe> contents (that is, a response timeout or a 4xx or 5xx error). 我想优雅地处理我的网站关闭或我的服务器无法提供<iframe>内容(即响应超时或4xx或5xx错误)的情况。 I tried adding an onError to the <iframe> object, but that didn't seem to do anything: 我尝试向<iframe>对象添加onError ,但似乎没有做任何事情:

showIFrame = function() {
  var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
  iframe.id = 'myIFrame';
  iframe.src = 'http://myserver.com/someURLThatFailsToLoad';
  iframe.onError = iframe.onerror = myHandler;

myHandler = function(error) {
  document.getElementById('myIFrame').style.display = 'none';
  console.error('Error loading iframe contents: ' + error);
  return true;

If my server returns a 404 I just get the contents of the not-found page in my <iframe> . 如果我的服务器返回404我只能在<iframe>获取未找到页面的内容。 In fact, that error handler isn't ever triggered. 实际上,永远不会触发该错误处理程序。 Is there a way to make this work? 有没有办法让这项工作?

(I'm currently testing in Chrome, but I'd like it to also work for FF and IE >= 7.) (我目前正在使用Chrome进行测试,但我希望它也适用于FF和IE> = 7.)

To detect whether your server is down or not, you can include an empty script file from your own domain. 要检测服务器是否已关闭,可以在自己的域中包含空脚本文件。 When the server is down, the onerror event handler will fire: 当服务器关闭时, onerror事件处理程序将触发:

var el = document.createElement('script');
el.onerror = errorFunction;
el.src = "somebogusscript.js?" + new Date().getTime();

Note: don't forget to add a random string to the src attribute to avoid the client using a cached version (which could stop a look at the server at all). 注意:不要忘记在src属性中添加一个随机字符串,以避免客户端使用缓存版本(可能会停止查看服务器)。

Perhaps you could try onErrorUpdate for the event handler? 也许您可以尝试使用onErrorUpdate来处理事件处理程序? I couldn't see an onError handler for iFrames. 我看不到iFrames的onError处理程序。 If that doesn't work, you could try onLoad and then check the source of the iframe or the title of it for a 404 message. 如果这不起作用,您可以尝试onLoad ,然后检查iframe的来源或404的消息标题。

Such as: if (frameDoc.title == 'title the server sends for 404') { 例如: if (frameDoc.title == 'title the server sends for 404') {

Source: 资源:

http://bytes.com/topic/javascript/answers/166288-catch-404-when-using-iframe http://bytes.com/topic/javascript/answers/166288-catch-404-when-using-iframe

iFrame Methods: http://www.java2s.com/Code/HTMLCSSReference/HTML-Tag-Reference/iframeJavaScriptMethods.htm iFrame方法: http//www.java2s.com/Code/HTMLCSSReference/HTML-Tag-Reference/iframeJavaScriptMethods.htm

iFrame Properties: http://www.java2s.com/Code/HTMLCSSReference/HTML-Tag-Reference/iframeJavaScriptProperties.htm iFrame属性: http//www.java2s.com/Code/HTMLCSSReference/HTML-Tag-Reference/iframeJavaScriptProperties.htm

One technique is to set a JavaScript timeout when you make the request. 一种技术是在发出请求时设置JavaScript超时。 If your timeout fires before the iframe onload event, the content didn't load. 如果超时在iframe onload事件之前触发,则内容未加载。 You could then set iframe.src to about:blank, delete, or reuse the iframe. 然后,您可以将iframe.src设置为about:空白,删除或重用iframe。

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