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Javascript:获取id为id [x]的所有元素

[英]Javascript: Get all elements with id id[x]

Using javascript how do I get the number of elements present with the id of id[x]? 使用javascript如何获取id为[x]的元素数量?

Sample HTML: 示例HTML:

<input name="vrow[0]" id="vrow[0]" value="0" type="text"/>
<input name="vrow[1]" id="vrow[1]" value="0" type="text"/>
<input name="vrow[2]" id="vrow[2]" value="0" type="text"/>
<input name="vrow[3]" id="vrow[3]" value="0" type="text"/>

The above html is generated depending on user input. 上面的html是根据用户输入生成的。 How do I detect how many elements are present using javascript? 如何使用javascript检测存在多少元素?

Currently I can detect presence of an element like this 目前我可以检测到这样的元素的存在

Sample Javascript 示例Javascript

var row=0;

[] are not valid characters in ID attributes in HTML4.01. [] 不是 HTML4.01 中ID属性中的有效字符 Even in HTML5, however, you should use the name attribute (without the numeric indexes), and then use getElementsByName() : 但是,即使在HTML5中,也应使用name属性(不带数字索引),然后使用getElementsByName()

<input name="vrow" value="0" type="text"/>
<input name="vrow" value="0" type="text"/>
<input name="vrow" value="0" type="text"/>
<input name="vrow" value="0" type="text"/>
var vrows = document.getElementsByName("vrow");

Note that older versions of IE and Opera may return elements with id attributes that have the same value as the name specified in getElementsByName() . 请注意,旧版本的IE和Opera可能会返回id属性与getElementsByName()中指定的名称相同的元素。 IE may also return non-input elements with a name attribute that has the same value. IE还可以返回具有相同值的name属性的非输入元素。

var inputTags = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
var count=0;
for(var i=0;i<inputTags.length;i++)

If for some reason you want to stick with the names of your input elements you can use: 如果由于某种原因你想要坚持输入元素的名称,你可以使用:

var inputs = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByTagName('input'));
var rows = inputs.filter(function (el) { return el.name.indexOf('vrow[') == 0 });

getElementById always returns one element (since id are unique). getElementById总是返回一个元素(因为id是唯一的)。 getElementsByName can result a list of elements. getElementsByName可以生成元素列表。

  function getElements() {
   var elements = document.getElementsByName("vrow[]");
<body onload="getElements()">
<input name="vrow[]" id="vrow_0" value="0" type="text"/>
<input name="vrow[]" id="vrow_1" value="0" type="text"/>
<input name="vrow[]" id="vrow_2" value="0" type="text"/>
<input name="vrow[]" id="vrow_3" value="0" type="text"/>

If you use a JavaScript library with a query function supporting CSS3, such as Prototype, you can use the attribute starts-with selector to find id attributes beginning with vrow[ 如果您使用带有支持CSS3的查询功能的JavaScript库,例如Prototype,您可以使用属性starts-with selector来查找以vrow开头的id属性[

So in Prototype this would be 所以在原型中这将是


NB this is untested, you might have to escape the [ in the selector 注意这是未经测试的,你可能不得不逃避[在选择器中

Prototype $$ function 原型$$功能

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