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[英]Drawing large graph with graphviz

I have here generated a large .dot file of my facebook friends' graph with fb-map . 我在这里用fb-map生成了我的facebook朋友图的一个大的.dot文件。 It has 287 nodes and almost 2000 edges. 它有287个节点和近2000个边缘。 I'm using dot and neato to generate a .png image, using the overlap="orthoyx" paramethers, but it doesn't give a nice effect. 我使用dotneato来生成.png图像,使用overlap="orthoyx" ,但它没有产生很好的效果。 Too many overlapped edges. 重叠边缘太多。

Do you know any set of options to manage such huge graphs and draw them in an eye-readable way with Graphviz? 您是否知道管理如此巨大的图形的任何选项,并使用Graphviz以可读的方式绘制它们?

The igraph library layout algorithms seem to cope much better with very large graphs than dot does. igraph库布局算法似乎可以很好地应对非常大的图形而不是点。 It even includes an implementation of Kamada-Kawai and Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithms. 它甚至包括Kamada-Kawai和Fruchterman-Reingold布局算法的实现。

There are up-to-date python bindings available, not to mention nice documentation and tutorials . 有最新的python绑定可用,更不用说精彩的文档教程

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