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[英]reference data is lost when form fails validation in spring3 annotation based controller

I'm doing the spring 3 annotation based controller thing. 我正在做基于Spring 3注释的控制器。 Problem is, when it fails validation, the reference data is lost, namely the countryDivisions stuff. 问题是,当验证失败时,参考数据会丢失,即countryDivisions的东西。 I didn't put it in the form because its not user editable data, and the orthodoxy here is that only user-editable data goes in the form. 我没有把它放在表单中,因为它不是用户可编辑的数据,这里的正统观点是只有用户可编辑的数据才会出现在表单中。 Do I have any other choice? 我还有其他选择吗?

public class MyInfoController {

    private MyInfoFormValidator validator;

 private void loadReferenceData(ModelMap model) {

    private MyInfoForm loadMyInfo() {
        MyInfoForm form = new MyInfoForm();
     //load it up
    return form;

    @RequestMapping(value="/editMyInfo", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String editMyInfo(ModelMap model ) {
        return "contactEdit";

  @RequestMapping(value="/editMyInfo", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String saveMyInfo(ModelMap model, MyInfoForm form,BindingResult result ) {
        validator.validate (form,result);
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            model.put("commandName", "myInfoForm");
            return "contactEdit";
         //save some stuff
        return "redirect:viewMyInfo";


You should provide reference data like your CountryDivisions with the help of the annotation @ModelAttribute. 您应该在注释@ModelAttribute的帮助下提供类似CountryDivisions的参考数据。 This has the great advantage that you don't need to repeat yourself over and over and provide the same data within multiple methods. 这样做的好处是,您无需反复重复,并在多种方法中提供相同的数据。

For your example I would provide something like this: 对于你的例子,我会提供这样的东西:

public List<CountryDivision> populateCountryDivisions() {
    return countryDivisionService.getCountryDivisionOrderedByCode();

This gives your views access to a model attribute called "countryDivisions" that holds a list of "CountryDivison"-objects provided by the service method from your "countryDivisionService". 这使您的视图可以访问名为“countryDivisions”的模型属性,该属性包含由“countryDivisionService”提供的服务方法提供的“CountryDivison”对象列表。

Why not just do 为什么不这样做呢

    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        model.put("commandName", "myInfoForm");
        return "contactEdit";

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