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如何使用强类型字典 <string,Type> 将字符串与类关联

[英]How to use strongly-typed like dictionary <string,Type> to associate a string to a class

I want to create a dictionary to associate a string to a class for example: 我想创建一个字典来将字符串与类关联,例如:

"dog" -> Dog class
"cat" -> Cat class

so I tried this 所以我试过这个

public Dictionary<String, Type> dic = new Dictionary<String, Type>();
dic.Add("dog", Dog);

but Add doesn't accept Dog . 但添加不接受Dog

So what's the syntax ? 那么语法是什么?

You should use the typeof operator to get the corresponding Type object: 您应该使用typeof运算符来获取相应的Type对象:

public Dictionary<String, Type> dic = new Dictionary<String, Type>();
dic.Add("dog", typeof(Dog));

In .Net there is a dedicated class, System.Type , used to describe classes/structures/enums (any type) in the system. 在.Net中有一个专用类System.Type ,用于描述系统中的类/结构/枚举(任何类型)。 Dog is the class you want this info about, to get it you can either retrieve it using just the Type by using typeof(Dog) , or--if you have an instance of Dog you can use myDog.GetType(); Dog是你想要这个信息的类,要获得它,你可以使用typeof(Dog)使用Type来检索它,或者 - 如果你有一个Dog实例你可以使用myDog.GetType();

public Dictionary<String, Type> dic = new Dictionary<String, Type>();
dic.Add("dog", typeOf(Dog));


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