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[英]How to configure comment notification such that no emails are sent in case of spam?

I have a drupal 6 site running with blogs on it. 我有一个drupal 6网站,上面有博客。 I use the comment notify module to implement wordpress-like notification of new comments and the antispam module for keeping the spam off the site. 我使用评论通知模块来实现类似wordpress的新评论通知和反垃圾邮件模块,以防止垃圾邮件离开网站。

The issue I have is that commenters get email notification for each comment, including the spam ones, eventhough the antispam module filters those out nicely. 我遇到的问题是评论者会收到每个评论的电子邮件通知,包括垃圾评论,尽管反垃圾邮件模块很好地过滤了这些评论。 My question: how can I configure both modules such that only email notification go out in case of ham comments? 我的问题:我如何配置这两个模块,以便在火腿评论的情况下只发送电子邮件通知? Do I need additional modules to make this happen? 我需要额外的模块才能实现这一目标吗? Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

Currently comment notify module and antispam module combination is not working properly. 目前评论通知模块和反垃圾邮件模块组合无法正常工作。 Other people have also complained about this issue: see http://drupal.org/node/598772 and http://drupal.org/node/209641 其他人也抱怨过这个问题:请参阅http://drupal.org/node/598772http://drupal.org/node/209641

Workarounds 解决方法

  1. See if you can use some other comment subscription modules instead of comment notify http://groups.drupal.org/node/15928 看看你是否可以使用其他评论订阅模块而不是评论通知http://groups.drupal.org/node/15928
  2. See if using mollom http://drupal.org/project/mollom instead of antispam will help 看看使用mollom http://drupal.org/project/mollom而不是反垃圾邮件会有所帮助

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