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[英]Weaving production classes with AspectJ aspects in Maven for tests execution only

I have a project with Maven build and need to add some basic performance tracing to methods. 我有一个Maven构建的项目,需要为方法添加一些基本的性能跟踪。 I decided to use AspectJ for this. 我决定使用AspectJ。 Main requirement is to weave tracing aspect into production classes but only for unit tests execution phase . 主要要求是将跟踪方面编织到生产类中, 但仅用于单元测试执行阶段

I was able to configure weaving in Maven however after execution of tests same production classes with aspect applied go to packaged war. 我能够在Maven中配置编织,但是在执行测试后,应用了方面的相同生产类转到打包战争。

The case looks like pretty common nevertheless I wasn't able to find solution for it in web. 这个案子看起来很常见,但我无法在网上找到解决方案。

You can put your aspects in the test directory and set the weaveMainSourceFolder flag to true in the test-compile configuration 您可以将方面放在测试目录中,并在test-compile配置中将weaveMainSourceFolder标志设置为true


See http://mojo.codehaus.org/aspectj-maven-plugin/test-compile-mojo.html 请参阅http://mojo.codehaus.org/aspectj-maven-plugin/test-compile-mojo.html

I solved this with load-time weaving. 我用加载时编织解决了这个问题。 That way the weaving happens when your unit-tests are run (via a command line argument when running unit-tests), but your aspects are not woven into the published artifacts. 这样就可以在运行单元测试时(在运行单元测试时通过命令行参数)进行编织,但是您的方面不会编织到已发布的工件中。

For example, I wanted to fake out the system clock in my unit-tests, but obviously not mess with it in the live code. 例如,我想在我的单元测试中伪造系统时钟,但显然不会在实时代码中弄乱它。 Here's my aspect class: 这是我的方面类:

public class TweakSystemAspects {
    private static long timeOffsetMillis = 0;

    public static void advanceTime(int amount, TimeUnit unit) {
        timeOffsetMillis += unit.toMillis(amount);

    @Around("call (long System.currentTimeMillis())")
    public long aroundSystemTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
        return ((Long) joinPoint.proceed()) + timeOffsetMillis;

Obviously, this is used in unit-tests by calling the TweakSystemAspects.advanceTime() mehtod to fake the passage of time in the system. 显然,这是通过调用TweakSystemAspects.advanceTime()方法在单元测试中使用来伪造系统中的时间流逝。 To accomplish the load time weaving, I just had to make an aop.xml file that defined my aspects (and that weaving should happen in all classes): 为了完成加载时间编织,我只需要创建一个定义我的方面的aop.xml文件(并且编织应该在所有类中进行):

        <aspect name="com.mypackage.TweakSystemAspects"/>
    <weaver options="-nowarn -Xlint:ignore"/>
    <!-- During testing this was useful, but I didn't want all that output normally. -->
    <!--<weaver options="-verbose -showWeaveInfo"/>-->

Finally, I made changes in my pom file to declare the AspectJ runtime dependency and tell surefire to do run-time weaving. 最后,我在我的pom文件中进行了更改,以声明AspectJ运行时依赖项并告诉surefire进行运行时编织。

<project ...>


                    <!-- For Load Time Weaving of our AspectJ helper code -->

I would do that in a dedicated module, use the Maven Dependency Plugin to unpack the artifact "under test" during the generate-test-sources phase, then weave the classes and finally run the tests. 我会在专用模块中执行此操作,使用Maven Dependency Plugin在generate-test-sources阶段解压缩“正在测试”的工件,然后编织类并最终运行测试。

Let me try to illustrate what I mean. 让我试着说明一下我的意思。 Let's imagine the following project structure: 让我们假设以下项目结构:

|-- pom.xml
`-- some-module    // this is the module that we want to weave 
    |-- pom.xml    // but only for testing purpose
    `-- ...

So my suggestion is to do something like this: 所以我的建议是做这样的事情:

|-- pom.xml
|-- some-module      
|   |-- pom.xml      
|   `-- ...
`-- test-module    // we're going to weave the classes here because we don't want
    |-- pom.xml    // the tracing aspect to be packaged in the "production" jar
    `-- ...

The idea is to have an additional "test-module" where we would unpack the artifact that we want to test so that we can weave its classes without affecting the "real" production jar. 我们的想法是有一个额外的“测试模块”,我们将解压缩我们想要测试的工件,这样我们就可以编织它的类而不会影响“真正的”生产jar。

To do so, declare a dependency on the module under test and use dependency:unpack to unpack the classes into target/classes before invoking the AspectJ plugin to weave the "main" classes. 为此,请声明对正在测试的模块的依赖关系并使用dependency:unpack在调用AspectJ插件编织“主”类之前,将unpack解压缩到target/classes类中。

Based on the sample provided in AspectJ compiler Maven Plugin - Usage something like the following should work: 基于AspectJ编译器Maven插件中提供的示例- 使用类似下面的内容应该有效:


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