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[英]Inverse of Flatten in Mathematica?

什么是f [x _]的倒数:= Flatten [x]其中x是具有维度变暗的数组?

There is no built-in function, but it's pretty easy with a combination of Fold and Partition : 没有内置函数,但结合FoldPartition非常简单:

In[47]:= x1 = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {3, 4, 5}];

In[48]:= dims = Dimensions[x1]

Out[48]= {3, 4, 5}

In[49]:= x2 = Fold[Partition, Flatten[x1], Most[Reverse[dims]]];

In[50]:= x1 == x2

Out[50]= True


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