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[英]Is Three20 allowed?


This is old old news. 这是旧消息。 There was a private API call in Three20 over 1 year ago and it was promptly removed. 一年多以前,Three20中进行了一次私有API调用,并立即将其删除。 When doing your google searches for anything tech-related, I would only show results in the past month, maybe the past year if you want to be accurate. 当您在Google搜索中搜索与技术相关的任何内容时,如果您想保持准确性,我只会显示过去一个月的结果,或者过去一年的结果。

From the information I was able to gather, it seems that Three20 apps are allowed by Apple. 从我收集到的信息来看,似乎Apple允许使用Three20应用程序。 If you check GitHub history of Three20, you'll also notice that several changes have been made to not use private APIs. 如果您查看GitHub的Three20历史记录,您还将注意到为不使用私有API进行了一些更改。

Yes Three20 is allowed for AppStroe. 是的。AppStroe可以使用Three20。 We are using from last 2 years for development. 我们从过去的两年开始就一直在开发。

You can check "Three20 App Store Status" on the website of three20 : 您可以在three20网站上查看“ Three20 App Store状态”:

http://www.three20.info http://www.three20.info

You can see on the first page if the lib is good (or not) for the app store. 您可以在第一页上看到该lib是否适合该应用商店。

"As of Dec 23, 2009 : Three20 App Store status: safe" “截至2009年12月23日:Three20 App Store状态:安全”

Make sure to check for memory leaks by using Instruments Leaks. 确保使用仪器泄漏检查内存泄漏。 Especially if you are using the JSON parsing libraries in Three20. 特别是如果您在Three20中使用JSON解析库。

You can Applescript the Simulator to run automated tests if you wish to test for leaks overnight. 如果您希望在一夜之间测试泄漏,则可以使用Applescript Simulator运行自动化测试。

Here is a sample: 这是一个示例:

on run
end run

on main()
    tell application "System Events"
        set myWindow to get window 1 of application process "iOS Simulator"
        set myField to text field 1 of myWindow
    end tell    
    set iterations to 0
    repeat while true
        activate application "iPhone Simulator"
        set iterations to iterations + 1
        log iterations
        tell application "System Events"
            click myField
            keystroke return
        end tell        
    delay 3 
    end repeat
end main

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