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[英]How do I copy Data from a excel in to word and keep its formatting

I have been trying to copy text from excel in to word, and retain the bold formatting on the text, but not the cell. 我一直在尝试将文本从excel中复制到word中,并保留文本的粗体格式,但不保留单元格的格式。 When I try manually copy and paste over a cell the text is copied but not the cell itself. 当我尝试手动复制并粘贴到单元格上时,将复制文本,而不是单元格本身。 When I try repeat this using vb (as shown below) the cell is also copied over 当我尝试使用vb重复此操作(如下所示)时,单元格也会复制到

With wrdDoc

    .Content.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
    .Content.Font.Size = 11
    With Worksheets("Sheet1")
        Cells(1, 1).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Copy
    End With
    .Content.InsertAfter "AddTableHere"
    .Content.Find.Execute FindText:="AddTableHere", ReplaceWith:="^c"

End With

Has anyone any suggestions on how I could do this? 有没有人建议我该怎么做?

Thanks 谢谢


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