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[英]Can't get PayPal Encrypted Website Payments to work in Rails

I am having problems getting PayPal Encrypted Website payments to work on a Rails site. 我在获取PayPal加密网站付款以在Rails网站上工作时遇到问题。

I am getting two different error messages when posting to the PayPal URL - on my staging site, which uses the sandbox, I am getting: 我在发布到PayPal网址时收到两条不同的错误消息 - 在我使用沙箱的临时网站上,我得到:

The certificate has been removed. 证书已被删除。 Please use a valid certificate. 请使用有效的证书。

Whereas on the production site, I get: 而在生产现场,我得到:

We were unable to decrypt the certificate id. 我们无法解密证书ID。

As far as I can tell they are set up identically, except that one uses the PayPal Sandbox public key, and the other uses the normal PayPal public key. 据我所知,它们设置相同,除了一个使用PayPal Sandbox公钥,另一个使用普通的PayPal公钥。 I must be overlooking some detail but I have banging my head against this for a couple of days now. 我必须忽视一些细节但是我已经对这个问题猛烈抨击了几天。

I used the following commands to generate public and private keys: 我使用以下命令生成公钥和私钥:

openssl genrsa -out app_key.pem 1024

openssl req -new -key app_key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out app_cert.pem

Then I uploaded app_cert.pem to PayPal and put my cert ID into a file like this: 然后我将app_cert.pem上传到PayPal并将我的证书ID放入如下文件中:

  user: seller_1259814545_biz@somedomain.com
  action_url: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 
  paypal_cert_file: certs/paypal_sandbox_cert.pem
  app_cert_file: certs/app_cert.pem
  app_key_file: certs/app_key.pem
  cert_id: CBDFN7JXBM2ZQ
  secret: dfasdkjh3453

  user: seller_1259814545_biz@somedomain.com
  action_url: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 
  paypal_cert_file: certs/paypal_sandbox_cert.pem
  app_cert_file: certs/app_cert.pem
  app_key_file: certs/app_key.pem
  cert_id: CBDFN7JXBM2ZQ
  secret: dfasdkjh3453

  user: seller_1259814545_biz@somedomain.com
  action_url: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 
  paypal_cert_file: certs/paypal_sandbox_cert.pem
  app_cert_file: certs/app_cert.pem
  app_key_file: certs/app_key.pem
  cert_id: CBDFN7JXBM2ZQ
  secret: dfasdkjh3453

  user: business@somedomain.com
  action_url: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 
  paypal_cert_file: certs/paypal_cert.pem
  app_cert_file: certs/app_cert.pem
  app_key_file: certs/app_key.pem
  cert_id: QG2TTZZM9DUH6
  secret: dfasdkjh3453

Then I use the following code in my Cart model to encrypt the data: 然后我在我的购物车模型中使用以下代码来加密数据:

class Cart < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :line_items, :dependent => :destroy

  PAYPAL_CERT_PEM = File.read("#{Rails.root}/#{PAYPAL_CONFIG[:paypal_cert_file]}")
  APP_CERT_PEM = File.read("#{Rails.root}/#{PAYPAL_CONFIG[:app_cert_file]}")
  APP_KEY_PEM = File.read("#{Rails.root}/#{PAYPAL_CONFIG[:app_key_file]}")


  def paypal_data(return_url, notify_url)
    values = {
      :business => PAYPAL_CONFIG[:user],
      :cert_id => PAYPAL_CONFIG[:cert_id],
      :custom => PAYPAL_CONFIG[:secret],
      :cmd => '_cart',
      :upload => 1,
      :return => return_url,
      :notify_url => notify_url,
      :invoice => id,
      :currency_code => 'AUD'
    line_items.each_with_index do |item, i|
        "amount_#{i+1}" => "%.2f" % item.unit_price_ex_gst,
        "tax_#{i+1}" => "%.2f" % item.unit_gst,
        "item_name_#{i+1}" => item.product.full_name,
        "item_number_#{i+1}" => item.id,
        "quantity_#{i+1}" => item.quantity

  def encrypt_for_paypal(values)
    signed = OpenSSL::PKCS7::sign(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(APP_CERT_PEM), 
      OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(APP_KEY_PEM, ''), 
      values.map { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value}" }.join("\n"), [], OpenSSL::PKCS7::BINARY)
      OpenSSL::PKCS7::BINARY).to_s.gsub("\n", '')

Then I use the following code in the view: 然后我在视图中使用以下代码:

- form_tag PAYPAL_CONFIG[:action_url] do
    = hidden_field_tag :cmd, '_s-xclick'
    = hidden_field_tag :encrypted, cart.paypal_data(thanks_payments_url, payments_url)
    = image_submit_tag 'paypal-checkout.gif', :alt => 'Check out with PayPal: The safer, easier way to pay'

There don't seem to be any newlines or other characters in the output which I am aware can stuff up the process. 输出中似乎没有任何换行符或其他字符,我知道可以填充该过程。

I have checked and double-checked that I am using all the right certificates and certificate ids, and that what has been uploaded to PayPal matches what is in my certs directory. 我检查并仔细检查了我使用了所有正确的证书和证书ID,并且上传到PayPal的内容与我的certs目录中的内容相匹配。

I have completely run out of ideas to try. 我已经完全没有想法了。 Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助或想法将不胜感激。

Everything is working in staging and production now. 现在一切都在进行分期和生产。

The only thing I can think of is that there was some sort of problem or delay with PayPal and the certificates on their side. 我唯一能想到的是PayPal和他们身边的证书存在某种问题或延迟。

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